Basketball and soccer are big but every other sport is recognized. We are a small school so fraternities and sororities are not that big but they play a big role in our school. Every organization matters.
Athletes are very supportive of each other, you will see the baseball team cheering on the soccer team. Some of the more popular clubs include Medical Brigades, Science in Action, FIM, and greek life. Fashion shows are amazing at philau, the senior showcase is absolutely FANTASTIC. The entire school gets involved and the final product is great!
The Ultimate Frisbee Team (Diskfunctional) is rather popular as far as sports groups go. They are a very family oriented team, where everyone supports one another. The START Leader program is also very popular. I was a START Leader this past summer and several students asked how they could participate after the first orientation session. There are also several fashion groups on campus that are popular. FAME, FIA, and BRAG are all well know groups who participate in some pretty awesome events on and off campus. The Brag chapter recently went to New York for a Fashion event and had a great time.
I am going to be bias and say BRAG (Black Retail Action Group) only because I am the President of this Organization. However, this is not true but is becoming close. We do have a very large and strong following. But I would honestly say Relay for Life, Colleges against Cancer, Fashion Industry Association and the three different performance teams combined
PhilaU has a wide variety or groups/organizations/clubs/teams on campus. Organizations and clubs include things such as the SGA (student-government asso.), LASO (Latin American Student Organization), and GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) to name a few. There are also major-related clubs and org. such as the AIAS for Architecture students, FAME for fashion merch. students, Law and Society, etc. Sports are also popular. I would say the most popular team on campus would be the men's basketball team, but other sports such as baseball and soccer are also popular. We also have tennis, softball, volleyball, lacrosse, and so on. CAB (an org. on campus) puts together events such as a movie night, or they bring comedians and magicians. My freshman year they even brought someone from Ghosthunters to show us what they do. We have 2 fraternities: AXP and Sigma Nu, one established sorority: DphiE, and one sorority colony: Theta Phi Alpha. Basically, anything you're interested in, you can always find someone else who will be interested in that too. And if a club/org. for that doesn't exist already, it is always possible to start a new one.
PhilaU has a wide variety or groups/organizations/clubs/teams on campus. Organizations and clubs include things such as the SGA (student-government asso.), LASO (Latin American Student Organization), and GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) to name a few. There are also major-related clubs and org. such as the AIAS for Architecture students, FAME for fashion merch. students, Law and Society, etc. Sports are also popular. I would say the most popular team on campus would be the men's basketball team, but other sports such as baseball and soccer are also popular. We also have tennis, softball, volleyball, lacrosse, and so on. CAB (an org. on campus) puts together events such as a movie night, or they bring comedians and magicians. My freshman year they even brought someone from Ghosthunters to show us what they do. We have 2 fraternities: AXP and Sigma Nu, one established sorority: DphiE, and one sorority colony: Theta Phi Alpha. Basically, anything you're interested in, you can always find someone else who will be interested in that too. And if a club/org. for that doesn't exist already, it is always possible to start a new one.
Our Colleges Again Cancer organization is extremely popular in getting students to come out for their largest fundraiser: Relay For Life. With a string of promotional events that they perform all over campus, there is a strong presence of their philanthropic endeavors! Covering the school in purple, CAC gives students an opportunity to be a part of something incredible. Some of the events that Relay For Life include: Battle of the Bands, games, Rap Battle, Survival Walk and many more activites!
I guess the most popular groups on campus would be Campus Activity Board, Ultimate Frisbee, Gemini Theatre just to name a few. This campus is huge on its basketball so home games is when most of the population of the campus is all in one place.