Philadelphia University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Philadelphia University?


If you are someone who is very enevolved in watching sports teams, wanting to go to a large school, someone who is not open minded, and someone who is not only going to school to party.


A so-called "partier" should not attend this school. The university is small, and students come here to succeed and really work hard. Also, as a disclaimer, the school is not located in the heart of the city - you have to take a train or bus to get there. I recently had a friend who transferred out of this school because it just didn't have a city vibe. Sure enough, the campus is close to the city, but a prospective student who is looking to be in the center of all the night-life, might be disappointed.


The type of person who shouldn't attend this school is one who is looking for a basic degree who has a low income. The amount of money spent at this school is only worth it for the accredited professional design degrees. The general classes are easy and can be aquired at any community college.


Students who are not passionate about pursuing life goals and striving to do their best will not be successful at Philadelphia University. Students must possess a strong work ethic, creativity, and the ability to be confident in one’s abilities. Students who would not feel comfortable in an urban atmosphere might not function successfully at this university due to public transportation, ethnic cultures, and urban congestion.


There is really no type of student that wouldn't want to attend Philadelphia University. It's liberal, diverse, and if a prospective student has a uniqueness about them no matter how great or little, they would love it here.


This school is not a very big party school. For students who want to party a lot and drink a lot, this school is not ideal.


African-american students who seek a heavily diverse campus and an overall race-accepting atmosphere.


not interested in design or business and engineering related majors. looking for school sprirt or greek life


Really anyone, we have art, design, business, engineering, health, science, environmental, we basically have everything and with that many different types of poeple!


Philadelphia University accomodates a large variety of personalities, their programs range from fashion design to pre-med. There isn't a specific "kind of person" who shouldn't attend Philadelphia University. It's students are largely diverse in cultural background and self expression, those who might think they shouldn't attend this school should at least give it a chance, because it is always worth a try, and they might be surprised at what they find.