Philadelphia University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


All of the scholarship opportunities that they offered.


I wish i had known of schools that were cheaper with the same educational oppurtunities.


Everybody tells you that you'll have a lot of work when you enter the architecture major. I understood that and accepted it. I realized I would have to really buckle down and focus. So far I have been able to do that but I just wish I had really stressed that fact to myself. Also, I wish I had been wiser when selecting certain classes, if I had been my GPA would have been higher. Now I'm wiser and I'm listening to advice.


I had a hard time fitting in at first. I lived off campus my freshman year, and I did not meet very many people. The spring semester of freshman year however, I pledged a soroity and I instantly fit it more. This year, I am so much more satisfied at my school.


That I should live on campus and how commuting is very difficult when the work load is demanding.


I wish that i would have known that becoming a part time student eleminated my fanancial aid.