If I could go back in time I would tell myself that happiness is not something that can be obtained from a drug, job, person in your life, a drink, or any physical thing. I would tell myself not to put my faith in any of these things instead, put it in God. The problem with trusting in people or creations of men is that they fail and leave us in a state of despair with thoughts of failure, something god could never do. Put your faith in god follow his commandments the best you can. Do your best in all things and leave the results to God!
The best peice of advice i could give myself as a high school senior would be to really focus more on the steps I'm taking towards a career. I would tell myself not to party as much as i did and to give all my efforts to my school work and going to classes. It's the one thing now that i have to battle the entire time that I will be in college. I wasted money and chances by not thinking about college seriously and I even had someone else paying for my education. Now, I'm paying on my own and have to actually work to pay for everything.
So, really, the best advice to give would be to think long and hard about going to college and make sure that I am ready for such a large responsibility to myself.
I would say that i need to take it slow and read more. The test in college are harder and people are meaner and rougher. They push you and push you to make you success. I need to work on my test so that can push the test in the college assessment test. i hope to never have to take english. it was fun in high school but i really needed to work harder and feel that i know something.
I would tell myself to go to college immediately following high school instead of waiting ten years. I chose to put my college on hold and to get married so I would have to tell myself not to get married and focus on going to college and making a career for myself.
I would tell myself that even though the classes are not what you like, it helps you out in the long run. Also to turn your homework in on time.
If I could go back to when I was a senior in high school, I would tell my self a couple of things. The first is that by far the most important thing in doing well is to get all the assignments in. If someone can do this, very frequently an A will follow. The second thing I would tell myself is to not try and do everything I want in my life. When college started I was also working 25 hours a week and found I had to choose only few activities to participate in. The final bit of advice I would give is to not buy a class books until you're in the class and can see whether or not you'll really need it. I find about 1 class a semester won't need a book, which is $100 saved if you don't buy it.
I would tell myself to stop, slow down, and look what is around you. Start thinking about tomarrow so that you can at least be more prepared. Go to school and finish with great oppurtunities. That life is great as long as you make it so. Be smart dont let others influence you. Make your own desicion and arise to any challenge. Never be afraid of what other might say or do as long as it is not directed to you. Wait to settle down and have children. Enjoy your youth and becareful with your body. It is the only one you have. No one will take care of you unless you take care of yourself.
Time management has to be one of the most important aspects of success in college. Scheduling study times throughout the week may help with time management. It's' also a good idea to make self-imposed deadlines for assignments as well. At times, it can feel like there is plenty of time outside of the classroom to get things complete, but without structure and time lines, many assignments are not given their full attention in order to achieve good grades.
Most importantly, I believe that it would be a benefit to most students to find someone who actually has a job that he/she is trying to achieve by getting their college degree. Nothing can be more valuable than real, lifetime, experiences. Knowing what is required of a profession, can inspire any student to either pursue their education with passion or to search for an alternative route that will bring lasting success.
If I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would first tell myself to go to college insted of trying to join the workforce for mininmum wage for so many years. I would tell myself to talk to my highschool councler and get the information I needed to sign up for college and then as soon as I was registered for college I would tell my self to always ask for information. No guestion is a dumb question, only the ones that never get asked. Then as soon as classes started I would tell myself to always make time for homework, no matter what. I would aslo tell myself to make sure to get help when I needed it from tutors, instuctors, or peer groups.
Study Harder and do less socializing