Pitzer College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pitzer College know before they start?


Choose the location that is right for you. No matter how amazing the program is, if you dont enjoy living there, you wont be happy at the school and succeeding will be infinitely more difficult. Also, another step to finding the right college is to choose the school that fits what you want to do, not what your parents want you to do. Don't be afraid to tell your parents you want to major in studio art instead of engineering, or business instead of english. Its your future, not your parents. To make the most out of the college experience, have fun! Get involved in student groups. Even silly ones (those are the best). If you find people that share your interests, you will be set. And if all else fails, just remind yourself that whatever insecurities you have about college are going to be better to deal with than being attacked by a team of nijas at a taco stand.


Make sure you visit the school to make sure it is a right fit for you and your paerents.


Throw out the rankings and do some soul searching about yourself. Figure out your own priorities, and don't follow a single academic department or extracurricular activity. Being happy in college is about having a general fit. Try to picture yourself at different types of colleges/universities and find what feels most comfortable and natural to you. Go through the college website and look through some course websites. Are grades determined by group projects and class participation, or by one single test at the end? When you do your college visits, spend time on the weekends, during the week, and at different times and places during the day. Don't let yourself be swayed by one dead area of campus, or one single great party.


Eat your veggies and remember to pack lots of underwear. Exercise and watch what you eat.


In this video, seniors talk about their experiences in F&M. They also give lot fo advises to incoming freshmen.


Find something you love and follow it no matter what.


When in the course of human events...go to Pitzer if you can afford it.


the college you go to and your expirience is only as good as you make it!


Apply to all of the colleges that you have visited and felt "neutral" towards. Who knows, that one college that was just okay could become the college of your dreams in a year. Visit the schools or at least take virtual tours of the school. Read the descriptions on the college website of the college goals/interests. Those descriptions also describe the intersts of the students. Also, apply to more "safety" schools than in reach or dream schools. Sometimes, we might get a little arrogant of ourselves and we all want to open a thick, manilla envelope saying that we are offered a full-ride scholarship than a rejection letter from Harvard. When one is attending that dream school or maybe a decent school, make your experience dream-worthy. Go for it! Discover what "it" is. Take chances. One must know what a failure is to truly understand what success is. Our failures are merely indications that something within our life is not right. Change that something. Discover what makes you smile and what you are passionate about. When you find that passion, you have found your major. Above everything else, just live and "be".