Do as much research as possible! College isn't just another school to go to after elementary and high school, like a lot of people think. Know why you're going on. Try to foresee the future as much as possible. Parents: know your children's desires and and personality and choose a school that they aren't just comfortable with but will challenge them in ways unique only to them. Once you guys are at school, use this time to make the transition from home to a life all for yourself. Cut loose but be disciplined. Know what's good for you and take full advantage of everything the school has to offer. You're paying a lot of money for not just education but for career services, arts, social networks, geographical advantages (like mountains and cities), student discounts, database access, and much more. If you have dreams, use this abundant amount of time to refine them and find ways to bankroll them in the future. Transfer if the college doesn't feel right after a year. Remember, there are plenty of underprivileged people who would do ANYTHING to have themselves or their kids go to college. Appreciate it.
i love my school plymouth state everybody is very nice i met alot of nice people and i play football the coaches are very nice i major in sports physiology they have very good teachers its great
You should be open minded to activities that are going on within the campus. Don't judge the campus by the size because bigger schools sometimes aren't always the better choice.
Visit lots of schools. You will never know what kind of experience youre going to have unless you acctually go to that school and see it for yourself. While youre there take advantage of every opportunity the school gives you. Most colleges organize events for the students and they might not sound intersting to you, but its a great way to make new friends and find out more about what your schooll offers. Also to find the perfect school for you, you need to know more about yourself. I myself am a transfer student. I moved to the city because I thought thats where I wanted to be and after a couple of months I realized that near home and in a more rural area is what was best for me. I dont think anyone knows right away where they are going to be happy and where they will get the best education, just like not one person knows what the best major is for them. Reaserch your school choices, visit them, attend orientations, and put yourself out there to meet new people. College is one of the greatest experiences in life. Make the most of it and enjoy!
Have a good idea of what you want to get out of college before you choose a school to go to.
I would suggest that parents take campus tours with their son/daughter and talk to the parents and future students about what campus is really like. Tour guides are "scripted" to only talk about the positive aspects of campus. It's the students that can tell you the truth about the social life, academic life, and how easy/tough the school really is. By talking to students on campus, both parents and future students will have a better insight on whether or not the school is right for them. They may find the school they are looking at is too much of a party school, or there isn't sufficient study space, or that the school actually is as great as it sounds. Just by asking around campus a family can really find the information that they need to decide on whether or not the school is right for their son or daughter.
Go visit. And if you have the opportunity to go to college with a friend from home, do it! it makes the experience more comfortable.
Make sure you VISIT the colleges you are interested in. Choosing a college is like buying clothes. You can't pick out your favorite pair of jeans from a magazine without ever seeing them and trying them on. If you visit a college, and get the, "I belong here" feeling, than its the college for you. If you don't, than you may not be happy attending there, or you may not do so well.
Don't feel discouraged when you see the price tag of a school. There are ways around it. A lot of colleges offer good finiancial aid packages. Look into it.
I think it is most important to keep in mind when choosing a school is to think about where you would be the happiest. You should consider all your options and know what type of environment is best for you to learn in. A big peice of advice I can give new students is to get involved. Most students think that theres not much one person can do for the community but this is not true. Getting involved will also keep you out of trouble, because for some it is way to easy to get into partying and have your grades slip and that's not why your in school. Students are paying boatloads to attend college these days so make the most of it! Meet friends , tryout for teams and clubs, your only here for a few short years so make it the best experience possible!
Find a school that has all of the programs you want. Get to know your professors and use them as a resource.