The best thing about Plymouth State University is it's size. The amount of people who attend this school is just right for me. There are enough people who go here that you will not see the same people every day; but enough to know a lot of them. It is also very environmentally friendly which means a lot to me.
Opportunity is the best thing about being a student at Plymouth State University; they have study abroad programs, a variety of clubs including academics, sports, hobbies, and more, plenty of minors to choose from and they strive for your success with their tutors and other help desks that are always open.
I consider the size of Plymouth State University to be one of the best things about it. Although it can make for some fairly boring nights and limited social interactions, Plymouth has about 5,000 students which allows for small, intimate classes and connecting on a familiar level with professors. This is especially true in non-generic majors such as Anthropology, where a lecture class may have only 5 students, allowing for personal interaction with the professor and fellow students, and gives the professor a chance to tailer the lesson to the specific needs of said students.
The best thing about Plymouth State University is the sense of community which comes with being a student here. I feel like I am apart of something which cares about me, my health, and my success. There are so many opportunities to become involved on campus by joining different clubs and affiliations as well as participating in university-sponsored activies. I feel like I belong, that I am safe, and that people care about how my future turns out.
Mickayla Bea
The best thing, so far, about Plymouth State is how welcoming the community is. Everyone seems so freindly and helpful. Plymouth is also not far from home so I can go home when in want.
I love the size of my school. It is small an intimate, though still big enough to where I can walk around and still see new faces everyday. It is nice to feel comfortable and like my school is actually like my home.
The best thing about my shcool is the fauclty. As a transfer student I was scared about the transferring process but everyone here made it virtually pain free. Every staff memeber really wants to help you and cares about you as more than just another student.
My group of friends. We share our love of the arts.
PSU is a small campus that is right next to a small downtown strip. Classes are small, intimate, and proffesors are very easy to get a hold of. The university and town provide plenty of work opotunities and local employers are flexible with schedules that make working and going to school easy. My advisors here have always had time to talk and help me with a school problem and the financial aid offices are full of nice helpful people.
most of the teachers, especia;;y the ones in a major program really care about you as a learner and try to help in anyway they can.
The best thing about my school is the atmosphere. Everyone, including students, employees and, professors are hands down, the friendliest people i've ever met in my life. Coming from a town near Boston MA, Plymouth NH is a much friendlier and accepting place to be and to thrive as a student. The view is breathtaking and woulnd't change it for the world.
I consider the best thing about my school to be the amount of activities that are available. There are so many clubs to join and there is always something going on. There is an outdoors club where you could go on hikes, ski, surf, white water raft, ect...there is a community survice club with never ending volunteer opportunities, and many others.
The best part about Plymouth State University is the cafeteria and janitorial workers because in my opinion, they are the kindest and most understanding at the university. Every day, the cafeteria staff has a smile on their face, whether genuine or forced, I always feel welcomed and comfortable, almost like being at home. The janitorial staff can be described in one way and one way only, amazing; not because they clean after everyone, because they create casual conversation; they listen to your truth and learn, as you do the same. My college experience has been enriched because of these people.
One of the best things about PSU is the location and its surroundings. We are located right in the middle of the mountains with such a wonderful view from every building your in. We are also located only twenty minutes away from several major skiing and snowboarding mountains such as Loon and Waterville Valley. Having these moutains so close to campus is a great stress reliever for many students here. There is also fun to be had in the warmer season with a river running right through campus. Floating down the Pemi is a must before you graduate!
I belive that the best thing about attending Plymouth State University is the wide variety of activities and clubs there are to participate in. There is a wide variety to chose from and everyone can find a place that they fit in. Going along with this, there are also many events that is put on by the University or groups within the school throughout the year. This gives the students a chance to interact with more people that they wouldn't get a chance to otherwise. I think the clubs and events make the college community closer.
The best thing about plymouth state university is that there is always something going on on campus. Even though it is a somewhat small campus everyone gets along well and I like that feeling. Being able to just walk out on campus and find something to do easily is fun. You can get massages, play intramural sports, play varsity sports, work out, go to the library, hang with friends. It's a never ending supply of fun on this campus. I also love that there is no peer pressure and you can be yourself.
The best thing about Plymouth State University is the connections that you can make with everyone on and off campus. All of the professors that I have had so far have been more than willing to give any extra help that was needed; including giving students personal phone numbers. Also, there is a strong bond between students at the university based off of university pride. I have even been able to get to know people in the community, due to the multiple service projects that Plymouth students partake in. Overall, Plymouth students benefit from strong bonds with everyone around.
The best thing about this school is the education. The professors really care about their job and will help you in any way. There are many things to keep you occupied on campus with all of the clubs, organizations, and sports to play. It's not that big of a campus, which makes it easier to find your way.
Location. I love being in the mountains of New Hampshire. The campus and the location are beautiful.
The best thing about Plymouth State is the small class sizes. Because there aren't huge classes, you are able to have one on one time with your professors if you need help outside of class. It also makes it easier for you to ask questions and engage in class discussions because of the more personable atmosphere.