Point Park University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Point Park University? Why?


One of the worst things about Point Park is the lack of athletic teams. I love football, but we don't have a football team and sports aren't really taken seriously by anyone who isn't involved in sports. It's a great school, but I wish I had a football team to root for sometimes.


One of the worst things about Point Park is the lack of athletic teams. I love football, but we don't have a football team and sports aren't really taken seriously by anyone who isn't involved in sports. It's a great school, but I wish I had a football team to root for sometimes.


This school has absolutely no school spirit. We only have a few sports so there isn't much competitiveness you experience in other universities. I understand though because it's a party school.


Because Point Park University is located in the middle of downtown Pittsburgh, students miss out on the large college experience. Point Park, an arts heavy school, will not provide students with football games and hanging out at the quad in between classes. However, the skills you gain from living in a small city are invaluable and equally fun.


Sometimes it seems that the school only really cares about the musical theatre and dance majors. This means that the rest of us often feel like we aren't really cared about as much. There also aren't too many clubs or organizations that allow the non-COPA students to express any artistic creativity. It is really difficult to not feel shunted sometimes as a non-COPA major, since that is what the school is primarily famous for.


Probably commuting if you live off campus they don't have any school parking or discounted parking passes at any of the surrounding garages which range from $10-$20 for a few hours. The surrounding meters on the streets are 7.5 minutes for every 25 cents and you can only park there for maximum 1 hour, and you have to pay them until 10pm. Also many other Universitys offer discounts on public transportation from the cost of tuition, I wish Point Park would do something like that.


Possibly the worst part of going to this school is the elevator situation. If you feel uncomfortable on elevators, do not go to this school. They're old, and they're always packed at peak hours. Also, they're often broken down, slowing the flow of students even further.


I have to say because I have not attended yet but am having a very hard time getting enough money to go My mom is very sick she has emphsyma COPD and is going to need a lung transplant. She never got to attend college but did attend a trade school. Because of funds


The worst thing I consider about Point Park is the on campus living for theatre students. The Playhouse is in Oakland while the main campus is downtown. It is cheaper and more efficiant to rent a house or appartment in Oakland than stay in the dorms.


It can be in a confide close quarters because the campus is small.