The most frustrating thing about Point Park is that they focus more on image than student retention.
Lack of organization in the administration. Location of offices. Lack of transperency.
The most frustrating thing about Point Park University is how many people assume it is strictly an arts school. We have developed so many more majors, but they are all overshadowed by our very strong theater department. Although our other schools (communication, criminal justice, business) have very strong programs as well, they tend to be overlooked.
The most frustrating thing about my college is that we have to travel to all of the college sports teams games off of campus. Since I am a softball player it is frustrating to have to load up in a school van and travel to a sports complex in order to practice and play our games. I hope that by the time that I graduate that we have a sports complex located near the college.
The most frustrating part about Point Park University is something that is of a minimum concern academically but can get annoying, the elevators. The elevator situation in almost all the buildings can get crazy. The maximum amount of elevators in one building is four, but they are small and that is the main building for the school. Another set of elevators located in the "West Penn" building only allows access to two elevators with maximum of eight people at a time. This causes lines to wrap around the block outside!
The most frustrating thing about this school is because they are so wrapped up in the copa (conservatory of performing arts--dance, musical theater, etc) that I feel like they sometimes forget there are other majors at this school and dancers aren't the only ones who matter.
Too many white people. Haha, but seriously, I could go for a bit more diversity. It's an open minded and accepting school, but there doesn't seem to be as much racial diversity. If there are a lot of other ethnicities, they cling together and don't mingle much, which is kind of annoying too.
The most frustrating thing about this school might be that some professors are too liberal; however, the quality of education is high as well as the standard of the school.
The cost of tuition and housing to attend this school. Also, there could be more extra cirricular activities for the students.
The lack of group school spirit.