Portland State University is most commonly referred to as a glorified community college, which I would agree with because the classes are not very difficult and they are not made up of your traditional four-year university crowd.
Location. Portland State is the only urban college in Oregon. You can catch a train or bus from most suburbs to get to campus. There are many bars, restaurants, and food carts nearby.
I think my school is best know for it's work in the community and with the environment; Portland State is a very strong and tight-knit group of students and faculty who have developed classes that are focused on bettering the world we live in.
It has the largest student body in any other university in Portland, OR. It is also very diverse and there are people who come from all over the world to attend the school. It is located in beautiful downtown Portland and the application process is very easy. They try to accommodate as many people as possible.
Portland State University is best known for its diverse students, faculty and staff. This positive aspect of Portland State University allows for many differing backgrounds to come together as one, providing a unique understanding, education and learning environment for the betterment of the world. It's diversity in nationalities as well as programs, gives one the chance to experience and explore many fields at once, while pursuing their individual interests. This variety of ethnic backgrounds and cultures will continue to opens doors and new ideas to students in our ever-changing world.
Portland State University has more than once been dubbed "The Best in the West" where universities are concerned. The school is best known for its fine arts program, as well as architecture, athletics, and especially its unique University Studies program. This program (referred to as UNST) replaces the usual "general education" courses that other colleges utilize and instead teaches students to incorporate what they learn in the classroom with the outside world. This includes how they interact with others at the office, in the home, and in the community.
Portland State Univeristy is probably best known for it's eco-friendly atmosphere and beautiful surroundings. For a school located in the center of the city, there are plenty of grassy plains, mountain views and plant life. The school is also known for having such a diverse student body.
Without a doubt, Marylhurst is best known for it's commitment to welcoming learners from all types of social and economic backgrounds. I have grown up in this area and lived here most of my life. One thing that has always impressed me about Marylhurst is that they have always tried to emphasize non-traditional methods of learning. They do this by offering a variety of online and evening classes for people who obligations that may otherwise keep them out of the classroom.
Portland State University is best known for being sustainable and environmentally friendly through recycling on the whole campus, the new building that are being erected, and outreach in the community to clean up.
I am not really sure, but I would have to guess it is the diversity of the students, as well as the programs offered. We have a rather large campus that is situated right in the middle of Downtown Portland. I am in the Criminology and Criminal Justice Program, so this is what I know the most about here at PSU. They love their students and offer us great student support to meet a wide variety of needs.(tutoring, computer labs, academic support, etc).