Portland State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Portland State University know before they start?


Rachael, in high school teachers would gladly cut you slack if you were late, turned in assignments late, failed a test, or did not answer questions. In college you are expected and graded on letting proffessors know you have a voice. Dont be afraid to get help and speak up college is about expressing ideas. Also dont slack off be the very best you can be even if life is beating you down college is a long process for the future and is about patience.


I think the biggest piece of advice I would give myself is that I would not bite off more than I can chew. I would tell my high school self to take as many opportunities as possible, but not to sacrifice your grades or your energy on things that don't matter. The things that are most important in college is to make an opportunity or opportunities for yourself and not to let people get in the way of your dreams. It's import, high school senior version of me, to realize that some opportunities will only happen once. Those opportunities, you must take without a second glance. The other opportunities that you make will be great, but the once-in-a-lifetime ones are the ones that are most important to take. Make sure you balance your time correctly and don't fiddle fart around. Focus on what matters: grades, extra curriculars and your major.


Try harder. Take more math and science. You might not think you'll use it in life, but you will. Also, pay attention in English class. Everyone needs to learn how to write; for business, science, history, everything. People will take you seriously if you write well, despite being young. Even if you don't know what you want from life, try your hardest and choose a major that elicits passion. College doesn't have to lead to a career, but it should lead to a happy life. This comes from staying involved in things that matter; coursework, clubs, etc.


Hey there buddy, I know stuff is messed up right now with the war and everything but be good to Christina. She deserves the best. Also, you should study for those SATs a little harder. You are much smarter than you give yourself credit for. There are going to be some tough times ahead. You are going to be diagnosed with a life changing disability in a couple of years so enjoy your body while it's still unencumbered. This is very important: trust your intuition but don't stop challenging yourself. You won't know what you want to do with your life for quite a few years and will try just about everything. That's okay. Go for it. Remember how much you loved Biology? Well it turns out that doctors (including a kind of doctor called a naturopath; right up your alley) major in biology. I really think you'd enjoy it. Also, organic chemistry is much more fun than it sounds. It's just a bunch of puzzles! Don't stop being active. You love soccer and cycling. Don't forget that! Okay Mase, have fun. I'll see you in a few years. Mason


I know you don't feel really confident right now about scholarships, college applications, and job searches, but in a year you will open your eyes to see just how amazing the world is once you take a moment to breathe. At first it may seem scary to move from your home into a dorm with complete strangers, but it wont be as bad. Try to talk to people when you're checking the mail or riding the elevator. If you're just chilling in your room, leave the door open to let fellow residents come in to introduce themselves. Do the same if you find a door open ony our way to your room. Just remember to knock and say hello first! I know it's hard for you to sometimes start a conversation, but here's an easy trick to break the ice. Decorate your half of the door with images that represent your likes and passions. That way people with similar interests can find you. Of course, don't give them everything! It would also be a great bonding moment if you invite your roommate to do it too. Don't forget to be yourself.


Never put off what should be done now. Always do the character reading/ homework and the most important thing is you work to live never live to work.


With the knowledge I have now, and a hypothetical time machine, I would encourage my younger self to pursue something he truly enjoys. Our talk would hopefully give my high school self a sense that college is about self discovery and the pursuit of happiness. Casting away expectations from high school would also be an important part of my lecture, because college is not nearly as straightfoward. Do not blindly work away at something you are not sure of. First you must seek your passion with an open mind, and work at it withh all you've got once you find it.


Take it seriously. I actually first started attending college while still in high school, and I didn't take it very seriously. I would tell myself that I am a smart, quick learner. I am an excellent student and need only to attend class to be successful, so I should always attend class.


Growing up I was sheltered and didn't have many friends; most of the people I would talk to were my cousins. My parents had a strong belief in keeping the family together because at the end only they will help you. I always wanted to be like my classmates but because of my economic situation I wasn't privileged in being like them, they would talk about their trips to their grandmothers, going to the beach, or going to Disneyland. In high school I kept to myself and didn't talk to anyone because I felt I couldn't relate. If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would tell him to make friends I've always wanted a best friend that wasn't part of my family, even though I'm not in high school anymore I still plan on using this advice to help gain a best friend for life. Friends are an extension of a family; even if they are not blood related they still help mold you into a better person. Everyone needs a best friend even the kid that says he doesn't need one.


I would say always be prepared to learn and adapt. Not everyone will have the same views as you or even believe in the same things that you do. You have to be tolerant to what others think and what they do. Also be patient and not to give up on hw and to not take as long to get the homework to actaully start it.