Prairie View A & M University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Prairie View A & M University? Why?


The worst thing about my school is that alot of students take the partying more seriously than the educational resources.


nothing, i love my school...the financial aid department could be a little faster, but everything else is fine...


The financial aid office.




parties are on weekdays so its hard to socialize and keep up with school work


When looking at the campus, I would have to say that our campus needs to be more green. The finiancal department needs to get their things together to help the students more. This is the worst part of the campus I believe, it needs alot of work to help it improve.


The worst thing about my school is that financial aide constantly changes what is required for school, as far as paper work, to be turned in for the next semester.


The on-campus housing, on-campus dining, security, finacial aid, lack of relevant education taught, and the lack of post grad job help.


The worst thing i consider at school is financial aid bacause their is not enough money. Only being advised to get a loan when i do not want a loan. The finacial aid chose to start with freshmans who are abealy starting their education in college then the upper classmen who are continuing.


Financial Aid