In my opinion, the worst thing about Princeton is the workload. Classes tend to either have a lot of required readings, assign long papers, or have challenging problem sets. If a student wants to earn good grades here, he or she has no option but to keep up with the workload. This is especially true since the administration has implemented policies to reverse grade inflation and ensure that high grades reflect true excellence.
Probably the location - New Jersey has bad weather sometimes.
The worst aspect of Princeton University is its location. Although Princeton is a very small and charming suburb, it is neither a college town nor a large city. Off campus housing is prohibitively expensive and there is a lack of social venues off campus. To find more similar aged peers, students have to travel one and a half hours north to New York or south to Philadelphia. Thus most students often cloister themselves off on campus and never leave the University unless it?s necessary.
Personally, I think the worst thing about Princeton is that it doesn't allow double majors. There are so many things I'm interested in and want to study and sometimes I wish Princeton allowed its students to concentrate in more than one area. However, this policy has the best interest of the student in mind: Princeton wants us to focus in excelling in one area instead of being spread too thin. If it were up to me, I would be a professional student and acquire about 4 or 5 degrees.
Worst thing? I can't even think of anything... possibly having finals after winter break (European style)
I have found my college experience to be incredible thus far. The only thing I would have to complain about would be the cafeteria food, however thats such a small price to pay for the incredible education and experience I am gettinig.
Obsession with success.
The student body is very racially and ethnically diverse but sometimes people segregate themselves into social groups that somewhat undo the admissions office's efforts.
The way eating clubs divide upper- and under-classmen and the way the interactive social activities happen in eating clubs and at parties, while the other fun things to do (like going to see student performances) are not that interactive.
The school breaks are timed awkwardly. We are never off when other students have break.