Princeton University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Princeton University?


A person looking for the stereotypical jock-dominated party school should not come here. Most people here are serious about their education.


There is really a spot for any kind of person here.


Anyone who believes that the purpose of college is strictly to prepare you for a set career, someone who is not passionate about learning, someone who doesn't expect to work very hard, someone who is not open-minded, someone who only wants to study and won't take advantage of the myriad opportunities available on this campus...


A slacker or someone who isn't willing to try hard should not bother coming here. It is not as easy as high school-I put a large degree more of effort into my work here to recieve grades slightly lower than those I recieved in college.


If you don't want to do any work, or think college should be easy, don't come here. Also, if you have a career in mind and Princeton doesn't offer that as a major, you may want to rethink your decision.


Someone who does not like a lot of competition in the academic sphere.


I can't see anyone having a bad time here, even if they're a misanthropic nerd.


People who do not want a challenging academic environment, where knowledge and intellect are important. People who aren't prepared to work hard. Must be prepared to deal with failure -- you won't be the smartest person in your class and you likely won't get the best grades even if you work twice as hard as everyone else (which it is also impossible to do). If you're not sure if you're prepared going in, you're not.


Person who can not adapt fairly quickly.