Providence College Top Questions

Describe the students at Providence College.


Great student body. You are guaranteed to have a great time with all the people here whether you drink or not. This is a big drinking school but not everyone does here, and everyone still has a great time. We all may look alike but for the most part everyone is extremely friendly and always looking to meet more people.


The admissions office really needs to create some diversity in the student body, theres only so many times you can see the same polo shirt and bermuda shorts


I would say that Providence College is about 99{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} white and 1{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} other. The campus is very religious and homophobic. Most students are from CT, MA, NJ and NY (especially Long Island). Majority of the students come from upper middle class families with intentions to continue to be apart of such class if not higher. PC students can be considered to be Politically aware and active.


I would say there's a good split politically in the student body. Personally I am conservative and sometimes my professors were a little too liberal for my liking and tended to preach their views as the correct ones, but you take what you get and learn from it. Most students are white, many have a lot more money than my family which was a bit of a shock in the beginning just because you are interacting with people that have been raised very differently from you, but in the end that's the beauty of it all to give and take what others have to offer in life. Most students are from New England and every now and then you meet someone from the Midwest or down south or even from another country. Some students I would say like to talk about the careers they aspire to have, being an Education major I don't really care about the money nor expect to every have a six-figure salary but that is one aspect that is of importance to some. You will find people like you for the most part and I got lucky enough have amazing roommates who are now two of my best friends!


They are all drunken motherfuckers who need to grow up and realize that they are in college. Come on!? Getting drunk on a Tuesday night! Wow. What a bunch of losers! I feel as though if someone isn't amongst that group they are either a flamboyant Christian warrior who professes as loudly and obnoxiously as he/she can possibly do just to show everyone else that they are a good Catholic. This is such a turnoff! I go to Pius now so that i don't have to deal with that frivolous bullshit.

Lauren Migliacci

PC is very religious. You have those requirments and are defintely restricted when it come to certain freedoms. We are mostly a white school, so anyone coming from an extremely diverse place, may be uncomfortable. At the same time, everyone is nice at the college and although there are stuck up rich kids who just got in becuase of their parents funding, it is a generally middle class college. Most students are from MY, MA, RI and CT. I want to say that the college and administration is very conservative, but the students are not and every student respect the others persons rights.


Low key, down to earth


Most PC students are from New England or New York. There are a rare few from the Midwest, and even rarer still are those from the West or South. There is also a decent population of Canadians (for hockey) and Irish (for track) who come on scholarships. A student who could possibly feel out of place on campus is one who is not Catholic, even more so if they are not Christian. Students are required to take 2 Theology courses, and Civ also incorporates Theology, and most of this is centered around Catholic Theology.


The school needs to diversify, possibly at the expense of the most qualified students. The male student body needs to find more interests outside of sports, drinking, and video games.


Student body pretty homogenous. Blacks not represented, except for athletic teams. Most people are preppy with the same clothing style. Most kids are from New England/New York. Most people are upper middle class. Students are very politically aware/active. There is a mix between conservatives and liberals. Kids always stalk about future pay grades.