Providence College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Providence College accurate?






-It's true that PC is too homogenous. -I've seen too many uggs and North Face jackets for my liking, but there is definitely variety in the personalities of the students. I like to be more origninal and creative, and i have found friends with the same preference. -Masses are beautiful but ALWAYS optional. We are taught western religion in DWC, but from an unbiased and completely factual standpoint. The Catholic community is certainly present at PC, but only for those who choose to be a part of it.


some of them are


yeah, for the most part.


Yes, in fact, it seems even worse than that. Providence College is so racially one-sided that in a recent letter home to all parents of undergraduates, the president, Father Shanley, blamed the lack of ethnic diversity as one of the major reasons for the problem of underage drinking on campus. It is sometimes cruelly, but accurately, joked that PC only accepts minority students for their athletic teams.


I would say that most of the students at PC do generally look alike. But there are people from all different family income levels and money doesn't matter, especially if you are in the right group of people. We're far from stuck up and just enjoy going out and having a good time with our friends. It is a party school if you are into that. If your not, you can find other things to do.


Although you can see the religious influence on campus, be it from decor or the theology requirements, it is not overbearing. The Friars teach theology and philosophy in a way that is very objective- their mission is finding truth through the combination of faith AND reason. You are never expected to blindly believe anything. We are fairly conservative but also acknowledge the liberal. For example, you cannot get birth control at the health center, but they will give you the number for a clinic down the street. We have a bar on campus for of-age students. Students are free to create clubs or demonstrations for whatever they want. We may have curfew for having the opposite sex in the dorms, but there are definitely ways around it. In the apartments and suites you can easily have the opposite sex stay over if you wish. The guys' dorms are less strict that the girls'. A large portion of the student body may be from New England and be preppy, but they are certainly not snobby. We have many international students from sports teams and elsewhere. Anyone can find their niche with all the extracurricular opportunities! This year, my RA was from Zimbabwe and my roommate was from Seattle! Students do drink a lot on the weekend but there is very little drug use. You can find kids partying on "Messed up Mondays," Brown night at Fishco (a bar) on Tuesday, PC night at Fishco on Wednesday, and Thirsty Thursdays...but everyone has slaved away in the library all day long to finish their work first!


I think that these stereotypes are accurate. Although many people are different and bring different things to the table, most of the students from PC look the same and it is definitely lacking ethnic divresity.


In MOST cases yes, but there are a few good people there that you'll have to look for.