Provo College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Provo College know before they start?


As I was going through high school, I just wanted to get done and graduate. If I could go back I would explain to myself that getting a jump on college courses offered in high school would be getting a jump on life and a career. I would tell myself how much money I would save to take college classes in High School. I would know how important it is to take High School seriously in order to prepare for college in the future. And I would figure out what career to pursue before college so that I wouldn't waste time choosing my career.


If I knew the things I know now about college life and making the transition I would tell myself to go follow your dreams don't hesitate one moment and think of all the what ifs. If it feels right and you want to do it go for it get the degree you want, go to the school you want, don?t be afraid of the unknown because soon it will become known, stay at it and get it finished and yet enjoy it. Don't let the small things hold you back, so that one day you won't be saying I wish I would have done this different and I wish I was already finished. There are so many options for you to grow and become who you want to become and the best you you can be, take advantage of all those opportunities don't let them pass you by. You are amazing and have so much potential to do anything you want never doubt yourself never and all your amazing abilities and tallents. You can accomplish anything you want you are a Child of God.