I think one of the major problems at Quinnipiac is the fact that it is becoming more and more popular and the administration is not dealing with its growth appropriately. This becomes most apparent in student housing on campus. We are promised three years of housing on campus and fourth year you must move off campus. They neglect to tell students that any one of those years you might still have to live off campus in a Quinnipiac house. They provide housing but it is not necessarily on campus. I had many friends who did not receive rooms on campus and they were forced to live off campus in a house Quinnipiac had bought to house students in. It is certainly not the same socially to live off campus, to have to drive to school, buy groceries, make food etc. The school is working on rectifying the situation by building more dorms, but the problem is also with the amount of students they are accepting. The president ensures us he is not trying to make the school any larger but more and more students who are accepted are coming here. They either need to cut down on the number they are accepting, or build alot more dorms. Through my three years on campus I lived in a four person room, a ten person suite and a seven person suite. I'm sorry but that is just too many people in one room! The housing at QU is definitely the biggest problem and that is the one major thing I was upset with over my past four years.
most people who come here have a positive opinion of the school. It is a beautiful, modern campus, considered one of the top 10 wireless campuses (using computers is big here), and most people are friendly. However, stereotypes do hold true here about most of the students.
Mostly New York and Boston fans, although there are a decent number of Philly fans here too. You'll be hard pressed to find any other fans in terms of sports.
The school's administration is very bad. They are not open to the students and have tried to prevent students from expressing themselves in a way which conflicts with the administration. In fact, the students in the newspaper are planning to start an independent newspaper from the school.
Tuition is exorbitant here (but where isn't it?). The problem is that the school is very bad-VERY VERY bad with financial aid. VERY BAD. I got a barely acceptable package to come here (my family isnt super wealthy) and that was when they thought I had a sibling coming here. I know a lot of students transferring b/c they can't pay the high cost without more financial aid. Personally, the school ought to stop remodeling everything and insetad put the $ into financial aid and student loans.
Also the school food service, Chartwell's, has a total monopoly on the food here. that is BAD. VERY VERY BAD. the food is so expensive I have found it to be CHEAPER to order out or even go to a sit down restaurant ($3 for a fruit cup, $5 for a slice of cheesecake, you get the idea). Plus, they close the cafe whenever they want (before 6 if they can on weekends), and their service in some places is VERY SLOW, even if there is no reason to be. When there was talk about allowing other restaurants to be built on campus, it was no surprise that chartwells opposed it- how else could they charge high prices for mediocre food? On top of that, the school forces everyone to buy a $950 meal plan, where girls never finish it and guys are out with a month left. But to no surprise, don't expect it to change anytime soon, as long as chartwells needs money the school will force everyone to give it to them.
bottom line: good school student-wise, but is run very poorly and in some cases unethically as well.
Quinnipiac is a great school, but some times it doesn't seem like the real world. It's as if you're living in a bubble.
Consider the type of person you are, if you like a decent party scene, with a lot of scantily dressed women, the smell of booze, and drunken screaming, than you could consider Quinnipiac. If you come from a wealthy family, and can afford it, it's a great education with connections to jobs and the "outside world". The communications, business and health sciences here at QU are phenomenal. If you aren't planning on majoring in any of those, than why spend all that money? Come to QU for the name, and the reputation it has in those areas of study.
Come to Quinnipiac, you won't regret it.
hopefully after i graduate i can find a good enough job to be able to pay for the decision to go to Quinnipiac instead of somewhere less expensive and perhaps more to offer
The one thing that I absolutely hate about Quinnipiac is that there are very little programs educating about sexual assault. Also, there are very little resources for victim survivors. On college campuses 1/4 women are sexually assaulted before they graduate. I wish Quinnipiac would create some sort of program, or public relations campaign to teach students about their resources if they are sexually assaulted. It feels as though they are more conserned with appearing to be a safe campus, than actually being one.
Bottom line...I was here 5 years (BA and Masters) and I loved it. I am going to miss it a lot.
Quinnipiac is 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} females, and most of them are gorgeous. I have freinds at Umass Amherst that come visit just because the girls are so much hotter than they are there.
The dorms are very nice, although there is some controversy about the lottery system that I wont go into.