Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Quinnipiac University?


We enjoy our Northfaces and Uggs. We are mostly middle to upper class white kids. We love our hockey team and the quad.


Most people say that Quinnipiac students are wealthy, wear Abercrombie and Hollister all the time, Uggs and a North Face. They're also said to drive very expensive cars (Mercedes, Audi, ect.), but this doesn't say anything about who the students are.


I feel that most of my friends that do not go to Quinnipiac have a very strong idea of what they picture the students to be like. The main stereotype I hear a lot comes from the fact that the school is 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} female. Because of this you hear lots of stereotypes about the girls that attend QU mostly being the fact they all come from rich families and collect UGG boots, North Face Jackets, designer bags and sunglasses. the newest trend at Qu and I bet every middle/upper class college is girls wearing only spandex pants tucked into their UGG boots. I usually get a good laugh at the ugh boots with the ridiculous fur all over them. As if they killed a small dog and tied it to their foot. Also, it seems the girls here usually get labeled as very flirtatious people especially when you hear the stampede of click clacking heels running down dorm road to the New Haven Shuttle so they can go to town on all the guys at Toads or any one of New Haven's fine establishments. But to not give the girls hear a bad rep, because in honesty, most I know are very nice people, I would say there's the fair share of the collar popping preppy rich guys and definitely our fair share of "my new haircut" dudes all over campus. When it comes to the school itself, you can hear stuff about how the university likes to spend its money on crazy unnecessary things, but I see most of it as stuff that in the end is for the benefit of the students.


One stereotype about Quinnipiac is that everyone who attends the school is stuck up and rich.


A lot of people when i first meet them and say i go to Quinnipiac automatically stereotype me as a rich snob who lives off daddy's money. Also, people seem to think we are a big party school and big on the bar scene.


I was told when I was leaving for QU that all of the girls look the same, blonde hair, big sunglasses and ( at that time) Abercrombie polos with popped collars. Guys, well, the same.


People think this school is filled with girls who get wasted and act like sluts, and that people only come to QU to get wasted and laid


Everyone is white, rich and preppy. The school is dominated by girls.


That everyone is stuck up, from wealthy families, and wear the same thing: uggs, northfaces and Hollister


Rich, Dumb, Ditzy, Partiers, All Play, no work.