Radford University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Radford University is best know for its smaller classes so students can be more involved in what is going on in class so its easy to learn.


Our school is best known for our binge drinking and apathetic administration. The higher-ups (not the professors) have no idea how to reach the students, nor do they care. The board of visitors, and by that I mean RJ Kirk, has an agenda that they(he) mandates and does not consider calmer minds when making it so. You can get a great value for your money here, but it will require long hours and lots of work on your end as opposed to the opportunities being presented to you. Double major, three minors, adminitrative nightmare.




Drinking and big Greek comunity. Small school. Close friends


Radford is known as a party-school, but this reputation is rapidly changing with the addition of accredidation of various undergraduate and graduate programs on campus.




Our school is best known as a party school, which is really not any truer than any other college or university.


Radford University is well known for formally being an all girls school. Also that we use to be affiliated with Virginia Tech when they were an all boys school. We are also known for being partiers and being able to pre-game harder than most people can party.


It's probably best known for it's overall enviroment of being a party oriented school, but it is quickly losing that quality and has, in the past few years, been growing better known for it's academic programs, especially it's nursing, elementary ed, and outdoor rec programs.


The nursing program, teaching program and parties