Other than a higher education ofcouse, I've gotten to meet amazing people I probably would have never met before. I've made friends that offer me more than the latest gossip such as in high school. I have learned many intersting things about the world and people in shorter class periods then in high school. I feel as though college , living and being on campus, has given me a way to grow and become my own person. I'm not living with my parents and I am able to contol my life. I make the dissicusion when to eat, how to study, when to study and that makes me feel a sense of independence. Something I wanted to desperately in High school. Also the added bonus of college is how much fun you can have especially if you can subtract the stress and presure of afforadbilty of college. College is so much fun the people the learning the parties. Its been a life atlering thing. Going to college is valuable to me becuase Its given me a chance to grow as a person through culture, maturity , and independence.
During the past four months I have been in college, I have realized that there is no room for slacking. You definitely have to have your priorities in order, and you have to take responsibility for your own actions. There are many freedoms that come with being a college student, freedoms that cannot be taken advantage of. So far, I have only gotten a slight taste of what the next four years will withhold for me. The courses for my major are set out for me, all I have to do is apply myself to what I am learning.
My first year of college was spent at a different university. It was a boring uneventful year because there was no real campus life and the classes were nothing special. Once I transferred to Radford University, I had a whole new out look on college. The people were friendly and it was really easy to make friends. The dorm and campus life was so different because there was an actual campus, not a campus with a city in the middle. The classes were great because they were small so you could get one on one attention. Another great part of Radford is the professors. If you have a professor one semester, there is a very good chance that they will remember who you are two semesters later. They have a more personal relationship with the student and are always there if a student needs help.
I have learned a lot about myself and I have grown up a lot during my first semester of college. I have learned that not everyone in life is going to like you and there is nothing you can do about it, so you just have to trust in yourself and rely on your friends to get you through life. I have also learned that the only person you can really depend on to get you to a brighter future is yourself because people are going to try to knock you down, but you cannnot let them get in the way of your dreams. Lastly, I have learned the value of hardwork and that the harder you work, the brighter future you are going to make for yourself.
College was extremely valuable to me in my professional life, as well as my personal life. I went to school to become a teacher and I was able to fulfill that dream. While in college, I realized that I did want to become a teacher, but that I was also interested in eventually being a professor. I really admired the work that my professors did while I was studying and I could see myself in their position. When I graduated, I went on to become a teacher for 9 years. I went back to school to receive my Master's degree and am now pursuing my doctorate. It has taken a while, but I am going to become a professor in the next few years. That is definitely due to my college experience. One other thing that I should mention is the fact that I met my husband while we were both in college. We have been married for 8 years and have 2 wonderful children. If I had not attended college, I would be in a very different situation right now and I seriously doubt it would be for the better!
I have an extremely valuable college thus far ranging from the people I have met to the classes I have taken. I am very blessed to have been able to attend college, it is an experience I think everyone should be able to have. My knowledge in the business department has increased tremendously in the past three years I have been here. I have been able to be a part of a social sorority Alpha Sigma Alpha, and Professional business fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi, an honor sorority Rho Lambda, play on the club field hockey team, and maintain over a 3.0. I believe that extracurricular activates have kept me on the right track with my academic success and not get caught up in the partying scene. I take my studies very serious and feel that I have had tremendous help from my classmates and my professors. I have recently decided to double major and minor, I will still be able to graduate in four years with the help of my professors to guide me on the correct path for the next three semesters. Attending this university has done nothing but help me expand my horizons for the future.
You are always told that college is the best time of your life. Well, I haven't lived my entire life yet and have not had the opportunity to look back on life and really know when the best time of my life was. However, I can still say that I know my time here and the experiences I have will be some of the most valuable and important things in my life! Of course college is valuable in the education sense that you get a degree that will hopefully lead you down the path to a successful career, but thats not all that college is about to me. In the short time that I have been here I have met people, had experiences and been involved in things that have changed me and will stay with me for the rest of my life. College is where I will meet some of my best friends, find out what I am passionate about and ultimately really find myself. Thats what college is about and for those reason college will always be a valuable and life changing experience for me.
I have met a large amount of people and made life long friendships. I am also very anxious to go to class everyday, to learn something new. I love working in labs for my science classes and mixing different chemicals together. The professors here are always very helpful and are willing to teach anyone anything they would like to know. I cannot see myself anywhere but Radford University it has been a very valuable experience and I've been here for just one year. I am so thankful for going to such a great University.
As someone who believes that education is one of the most important things that our society can spend its resources on, I love that my college education has allowed me to learn new things and constantly add new personal and technical skills to my skill set. College has taught me not only a valuable career for my future but it was also instrumental in developing my personality as a well rounded adult. As a shy person who did not have many friends in high school my college career taught me valuable lessons in how to interact with others. My college experience also allowed me to take a leadership role on campus and helped me to develop skills which will allow me to lead and manage others in my career field. College is a safe enviroment where people can express themselves and develop skills that they may not have had a chance to develop if they went straight into a job after high school. These are just a few of the reasons that college attendance is valuable . College attendance is different for each person and there are a myraid of possiblites that are possible for each and every person who attends.
The greatest thing I gotten was my maturation. I have grown so much due to my surroundings and experience with other people at my school. My college experience has given me independence and a self-identity.