Radford University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I thought the admissions office did a great job with giving me all the info I needed.


How expensive everything was


I wish I had known the importance of attending a school that offers such a tremendous avenue to persue an education, and to be willing to accept a person that has a past that doesnt look so grand. I like the fact that this school is availiable in my current city, and state.


How much of a party atmosphere there really was.


How to deal with freshman year better


I wish I had known what I wanted to major in; therefore I could have began my education on the right foot. I also wish I had applied to more scholarships or grants in order to ease my financial strain for the year. Although I am happy with my decision of school and I enjoy my small classes and the challenges of my courses. This is all a learning experience for me, there may be things I would redo if I could, but I am enjoying the lessons I am learning along the way.


I wish I knew how cold it would get during the winter.


I wished that I had stayed for a weekend down there to get a feel of what the campus was really like. The tour was great, but when I actually moved down there it was a lot different than the tour made it sound.


Before i came to Radford University I wish I would have known the importance of reviewing class notes at the end of every day. Doing this makes it so much easier to retain the information and that way when exam time comes around the information written in my notes wouldn't have seemed so foreign! I also wish I would have known how much it rains here so I could have brought rain boots :).


That my Pell Grant wouldn't cover all of my expenses and I would still need a student loan to pay for my books and some of my tuition and my parking pass.