Back when I graduated High School I was really afraid to try and go to college but now my younger sister is going and it looks like fun so I've decided to give it a try and I would tell myself not to be afraid and that college is an adventure worth taking. I would also say not to worry about tuition because there are lots of Scholarship and Grant opportunities out there to help me pay for everything, this scholarship for example would really help me with college because I don't really have any money to pay for it out of pocket so I hope you'll give me your full consideration.
I would likely tell myself to get a part-time job. Money is very necessary for a college education and it is a good idea to get a head start. I would suggest that I at least start putting in applications for various jobs and to start saving. In addition to that, I would tell myself to start visiting more colleges, that way I'd be able to see more options. Also, I would tell myself to start looking at majors. To begin looking at the exact difference between a major in electrical engineering and computer engineering, that way I'd be able to make a more informed decision when deciding which classes to take. This would also help because then I would know whether or not I want a degree in engineering or just a mathematics degree. I would also tell myself to be more outgoing and get to know more people.
To give myself time in picking a major and to attend a 2 year school at first. It would allow me time to decide what I really want to do.
If i could go back to my senior year knowing what I know right now, I would advise myself to do the same as I did before; go in open minded and don't be afraid of change. I feel as though I prepared myself well enough and that is why I am where I am today. I came into Ramapo very open minded, seeking change and getting involved in all I could. So when asked if I would change anything, my answer is simply nothing at all because I like where I am and where I'm headed.
I would tell myself to seriously think about my life goals. Rather than automatically major in English, I should explore my options more. Maybe I would have discovered my passion for the environment earlier on, had I actually done that. I'd tell myself to stop blindly believing that I will automatically become a novelist someday. It's not an easy field to get into and you don't necessarily need to go to college for it, if you already know how to write. I would tell myself that it really is no big deal going to community college. There is no shame in it. All sorts of people go and it's a great way to save money and find out what you really want to do with your life. I'd tell myself not to lose touch with those friends that are closest to you. They know you better than anyone else and you need each other, even if you don't know it yet. Finally, I'd tell myself congratulations on never having a drink in high school. It made it easy to focus on academics rather than on partying in college.
If I were to go back and give myself advice, the first thing I would say is to really start thinking about what you want to do. College isn't like highschool. If you don't know exactly what it is you want to strive for, you can get stuck taking extra classes or wasting money. I would also tell myself to relax. The admission process is a super stressful time, but it all seems to work out in the end. Know what you want to do, love yourself and take it one day at a time.
Remember what they say in high school and how the tests and papers are written.
I would tell myself not to transfer. I would have wanted to go to Ramapo for all the four years and live on campus all four years.
I would give myself the advice to look forward to learning and new experiences and to take every opportunity that comes my way.
Do not be worried that you did not get into your first choice school. You broadened your horizons and chose the right school for you. Ramapo was the perfect choice and you will be completely happy there.