The best thing about my school is the environment as a whole (including the scenery, students and faculty). They are the pieces that make Ramapo College of New Jersey what it is today.
Living on campus is a peaceful experience, surrounded by woods. Whether it is joining a club/organization or going to a public event, a student will have no problem finding a friend. And the majority of faculty and staff that I got to know are approachable and really encourage students to try to go out and have hands-on experience to understand their major or class better.
Ramapo's attentive professors are the best thing about the school. The majority of professors at the college have had experience in the filed they're teaching so they know their stuff. I've never had a problem getting in contact with a professor when I've need to.
The comfortable atmosphere on campus- even for commuters.
The social life. everyone just loves to hang out.
I love how the classes are small and the professors really care about each individual's success. It's easier for me to learn in a class of 12 than in a large lecture hall. Students get to know each other better, and can therefore learn from and help each other.
The small classes make it possible to students to build personal relationships with professors, which isn't possible at larger schools with big lecture classes. We are often able to get extra help from our professors, not just from student tutors.
Ramapo College of New Jersey has plenty of activities that tend to the needs of our "somewhat" diverse population. There are relgious organizations (Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Catholics at Ramapo United, etc), Philosophy Club, Varsity/intermural sports, fraternities/sororities, student government association, resident assistant jobs, specific major organizations (Nursing Club, Biology Club, etc), Brothers Making a Difference, Ebony Women. While all of these organizations attract different types of people, our college is able to work together and form many activities for the numerous clubs on campus. It is really satisfying to see that Ramapo has a common goal; Building a community.
At my college, The best thing has to be interacting with different social groups. Its nice to meet different cultures and others of different ethnice backgrounds instead of sticking to your own culture. Its a great learning experience. So far, I have met many people who have different backgrounds and I am friends with them and room with them.