Rasmussen University-Mankato Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rasmussen University-Mankato know before they start?


If I could go back in time, the main thing I would tell myself would be to take advantage of the post secondary enrolment act and keep my grades up. I wasn?t able to afford to go to school after I graduated because I didn?t have the money and my grades had fallen too low my last year of school to qualify for many of the grants or scholarships. Had I enrolled in tech school while still in high school, a good portion of my education would have been paid for by the program. The second thing would be to continue with my education right out of high school. I likely would do 2 years of tech school, and then go for a 4 year college degree. Taking a break from school after graduation really breaks the rhythm of learning, once you break the routine, it is VERY hard to convince yourself to commit to going back to school. The third thing would be to get as much out of your education as you can, and learn as much as you can, it will make life alot easier, and make you a better person for the future.


I would tell myself to try my hardest to get the best grades and that schoool comes first. I would also tell myself to try having a part time job and save up money to help pay for college. It is expencive to go to college but its worth it. Also I would tell myself to remember more from high school then I have so that it would be a little better and easier in college. It also helps later on in the job field. So from everything that I would tell myself it would greatly benefit me in college and in the work place.


Even though I did receive my diploma, I would go back in time and not drop out my senior year. I would have also taken college prep classes so that I was more prepared when I finally got to college. Some students aren't ready for college right after high school-I wasn't, I was 31 when I first went to college. I would recommend students to carefully consider what they want to do in life so that they make the right choice for themselves and not regret it. Life is what you make it-so always succeed in what you do and don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something. Knowledge is power!!


Don't waste your time on unimportant things. Work hard and never take the easy way out. It will pay off.