Reading Area Community College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Reading Area Community College?

Is Reading Area Community College a good school?

What is Reading Area Community College known for?


Reading Area Community College is an amazing bounce board launching you into the future without taking to much money. This college requires you to put yourself into it. The more you participate and work the more you receive. Take the honors courses. They are refreshing yet challenging. This small community becomes a home you don't want to leave, with friends you will keep for a lifetime.


Reading Area Community College is a wonderful place filled with opportunities and the chance to change your life. Whether you are a high school student, earning credits while in high school, a non-English speaking student, a non-traditional student, who for one reason or another did not go or finish college in younger years, whether you are seeking your GED or a Careers Program to jump start your career, or any of the hundreds of stories that make up RACC's student body, you deserve the opportunity to find your place and get your life going in the right direction. The faculty and staff are there for you. These Professors are some of the brightest and talented people you will find in Pennsylvania. They want you to succeed. The opportunities for Leadership, Student Government, the school newspaper, the Front Street Journal, the Multicultural club are just a sampling of clubs to be involved in. RACC raises money every year through the RACCy Olympics. This is a year long endeavor that culminates in a day of fun with prizes and pride. This year's recipient is Habitat for Humanity. The past two years, the Olivet Boys and Girls Club received over $35000.00 from RACC students, staff and faculty. If you need a place that is going to be there for you, Reading Area Community College is the place to start.