If I could give advice to myself as a senior in high school, I would have been better prepared for financial aid, education demands, and choosing a degree. Financial aid was a one night event in high school. When I began attending college, I found out that there was more to financial aid, than the two hour semniar I had as a senior. I was also not prepared for the demands professors had for students with class projects. Homework I had an idea, but the in class expectations was something I was not prepared for. In high school, counselors told me to choose a degree and go from there. By taking their advice I choose a specialized degree, and one year later found this was something I nio longer wantred to do. Unfortuately, since this was a specialized degree, I could not transfer the credits towards a general degree. This set me back another year in school, all thanks to not being prepared for college as a high school senior. I never knew there was so much to the college process, that I should of started getting everything in order by choosing a general degree at the beggining.
Don't skip all the math classes and wait till the last year to do them. I have now not taken any math class for almost 6 years and I have to take them now in my last year in college. In fact it will take me a semester longer to get the degree because of my delay in math. I would also say that making a schedule for yourself is very important because you go from a scheduled day in high school to the freedom of college, it's a hard transition to make; the freedom can be overwhelming for some, it was for me.
I would tell myself to do exactly what I've done so far. Be openminded about the classes you choose and about what you learn in them. Don't put your assignments off. Work hard and be dedicated. Don't worry about the drama involved with all types of schooling. Last but not least... take weekend and or accelerated classes, they are the perfect learning style for you.
I would tell myself to find better ways to study and take more time to study because studyin greally does help. Also start study groups because they really do accomplish something. Also get extra help from the teachers because they might be able to help you grasp a concept easier than in the actual class time. Never second guess yourself on test questions.