Dating at Reed can go well, but if it goes badly it tends to be a complete disaster. There's no way to get away from your ex (especially if you've been dating someone in your dorm), and you'll keep seeing them with their new girlfriend/boyfriend. There's a fair amount of casual sex, which tends to be less awkward. Plus, no one will notice you doing the walk of shame the next day, because lots of Reedies dress weirdly and don't brush their hair on a regular basis.
The best part of Reed is Renn Fayre, which is a three-day party at the end of the year, before reading week and finals week. Renn Fayre begins when the seniors burn their thesis drafts. There's a parade, and other students spray the seniors with champagne. The next day there are fireworks and glow opera (this cannot be described; you have to experience it for yourself), and a giant feast. It's the culmination of an entire year's hard work, an orgiastic catharsis. It's amazing. It makes all those nights you spend working in the library until 2 AM worth it.
No one shows up for Reed social events. Some have made it into tradition status,and those draw crowds, but for the most part, Reedies (who live on campus anyways) hunker down in some god-forsaken spot and drink the night away. This is a weekend sport only. Weekdays the dorm halls are silent by midnight. People have work to do.
Most people work very hard, and when they're not working they're partying or trying to sleep. Theatre is popular, however, and so are the extracurricular music opportunities. A lot of people take private lessons and play in the orchestra or sing in choir. I do both the latter two.
There are no fraternities or sororities, thank god.
You can always find a party if you want one, and they vary in kind--some are loud, some are wild, some are very chill. Generally, people are not looked down on for living quietly, though. I frequently find that by the time Friday rolls around, after a week of high-pressure academic work, I just want to sleep, or smoke a bowl or two with friends and just talk or listen to music and chill.
One thing that makes me very very happy about Reed is the sincere love of people for others' minds. When they say "free love" they really mean that your ideas are more important than your physical attributes. I didn't expect to be a desirable quantity, but I dress intriguingly, I guess, and speak my mind. That's been attracted. I didn't expect one man, but at one point I was fending off three. Glasses-wearing, makeup-less, plump, smart, long-skirt-wearing girls unite! There are men for you here!
Reed is the best 6th grade social experience $48,000 can buy.
Dance parties are really common, but are normally basically just the same party over and over again with the same people and music and places. The arts aren't great at Reed. The dating scene is alright, but since everyone knows everyone already, it's sort of small, it'd probably be best to date off campus (especially if you're gay and/or picky). There's normally lots of events that aren't focused around drinking/drugs, but there's still a lot of drinking.
My dorm is a little on the antisocial side. There's usually a few people in the common room, but the dorm architecture is just naturally antisocial. The doors close automatically and people usually stay in their rooms if they're not at the library.
Many guest speakers visit the campus to discuss politically or culturally salient issues but on weekends, parties and student organized events prevail. Frats are nonexistent. The dating scene is similarly nonexistent...hook-ups dominate. There is a relatively sizable community of sub-free students...these are, however, in the minority. The student-run radio station is a popular endeavor.
There is so much you can do. You can do drugs. You can not do drugs. You won't be judged either way. Dancing is fun. Everyone does it. That may be the only thing you are peer pressured into doing.
Sometimes social life takes a hit because of academics. You will notice that there are def a few weekends in the (about) 16 week long semesters where no parties are happening and the night life is generally dead. Luckily this only happens at times when EVERYONE feels swamped with work. Otherwise, there is always a house having a party, a dance party in the SU, or a party in pool hall.
Reed spends prodigious amounts of money on cool shit for students, and the student body has an enormous discretionary fund. As a result, there are fascinating speakers, hip concerts, intense dance parties, and free off-campus trips every weekend. The school also subsidizes tickets to major concerts in town. Last year the school paid for me to go rock climbing five times, skiing four times, surfing once, and I don't remember how many other awesome off-campus trips.