Reed College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Reed College?


Hipsters, drug addicts, super-motivated freaks, generally smart people, outdoorsy types, rude, pretentious snobs, independently minded folks.


To describe the students with a series of words: nerdy, academically oriented, outdoorsy, hippies, bikers.


Hippies, burnouts, stoners, commies, bros, and hipsters, essentially.


Many of the stereotype of Reed College tend to sound something like "well, everyone at Reed is a pot-smoking hippie." Or "everyone there is a vegaterian, tree-hugging, liberal lefty." Another commonly held belief about Reed involves ubiquitous drug use and a relatively crazy environment with almost no rules.


hippies, eccentric individuals, intellectuals


Reedies have been classified as self-righteous intellectuals, stoners, smelly hippies, socially-inept brainiacs, and some of the most generally fascinating and atypical students in America. We are thought to be supremely liberal and quite proud of it. We have even been called hedonistic and downright irreverent.


1. Reedies do tons of drugs 2. Reedies don't have social lives and spend all their time in the library


That we're wicked smart, socially awkward and addicted to work


Reed students are socially awkward. They were all losers in high school. We are all addicted to cigarettes. There are many dirty hippies. The majority of everyone's time is spent in the library. People get publicly naked a lot. Everyone hooks up with everyone else. Gossip spreads like wildfire. Everyone is really smart. Everyone does drugs, and many of them.


Stereotypes of Reedies go something like this: - They are incredibly rich and privileged; - They have no respect for the establishment; - They are all geeks; - They think they know everything.