Regent University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Regent University know before they start?


If I could tell my high school self what I know now, I would say, "You need to take this more seriously. You need to apply for scholarships and take your ACT and dedicate your time to this." I would tell myself that it's more important than I think it is, and that I need to stop putting it off. I never took is seriously, and now getting into college is even harder. I would say, "In a few months, the only thing you're going to want is to go to college, but you aren't going to because you haven't even tried. You're going to be applying for so many scholarships that your hands are going to ache from writing so much, and you're going to hope that you at least get one of them. You're going to pray that you get financial aid and that you get to go to the college that you love. So take this seriously, because you're affecting your future drastically."


I would tell myself not to limit myself. I've done things high school me would never suspect myself capable of - I studied for nearly four months in Costa Rica, I met a family who didn't speak my language and spent the night in their house on the same day, I rode a horse up a mountain while "helping" my Costa Rican family herd cows up the mountain to better pasture. High school me thought studying abroad was something the extremely studious/smart people did. College me has learned it's something anyone can do if they'll just give themself a chance. Since learning this I've done my best to let others in on this often-spoken but little-known fact. I don't want anyone to miss out on a wonderful opportunity like that because they didn't think they were good enough!


Past Leila you are never alone. When you go into college your first year as an off campus student it will be hard because all your friends are having different experiences since they are thrown into the middle of the action. But you can be there too! Don’t hold back and get involved on campus. Enjoy every moment and learn from it because it all goes by fast. There will be times when you are lonely or feeling defeated but look up and you will find yourself surrounded by new friends and loving family. If by chance that support isn’t there take consolation in knowing that you have future me looking out for you. Remember to give and do your best in everything, no matter what. When we give our best we never fail. You got this girl! Love you!


Don't waste so much time on AP classes. Often, they don't really count toward your major and you end up missing out on some great college classes. Yes, you may save money, but the experience is not worth it. Also, start out at a junior or community college until you have an idea of what you want to do. This saves money and if you keep your grades up, will help earn scholarships. Then you can attend a nicer university and just spend your time and money on the major specific classes.


I would tell myself to take harder courses in high school. The purpose of high school is to prepare oneself for college, so I should have taken harder courses to prepare me for the academic rigor of college. I would have told myself to take community college courses in addition to my high school classes to help me transition between high school and college-level courses. College is drastically different from high school, and I would suggest that high-school-aged-me take steps to ease the transition. I would tell myself to acquire as many college credits in high school as possible. Universities are expensive, and I could have saved thousands of dollars by being a better steward of my time in high school. In addition, I would have been able to finish my bachelor's degree sooner. I dearly wish that I could go back in time and tell myself these things, but I cannot. Instead, I will bequeath this wisdom to my younger siblings so that they may not make the same mistakes that I did.


Learn to work independently and work on strong writing skills. It's important that you learn to be disciplined in your work -- learn now not to put things off, but to do your work in a timely manner. Otherwise, you are going to get behind and it's hard to catch up.


I would advise myself to focus and choose a school strictly based on academics not social elements. I was way too socially involved and if I had been more focused on academia and not my social life, I wouldn't be 32 trying to finish my Bachelor's Degree.


I would tell myself that college is wonderful and to hurry up and finish high school because there is no better education than a college education. I would also tell myself that when your in college money is scarce and that looking for scholarships and applying is necesarry in order not to worry about money. Living expenses are rising and I wish I would have known about my current money struggles so that I could have started applying for colleges in my senior year of high school. I would have also told myself tha other thanmoney issues, I was well prepared for college and very happy I started in community college and transfered because it really has prepared me for univerosty life.


I would tell myself that college is not always like it is seen on television, it's actually a lot better! I have a fear of being in large crowds, so I never believed I would be able to get a college education. Then I found out I could get a degree in the area for which I was interested online! I would also advise myself to keep refreshed on basic subjects such as math and science, as you never know when you might have to remember what you learned in high school! Finally, I would tell myself not to jump at the first school to show interest, but to carefully research the moral beliefs and educational integrity of the places I want to go and make an informed decision. I spent 3 years at a regular for-profit university and spent too much money on too little education. Regent University gives me the education I desire, with the moral beliefs I hold close to me. I am much happier! (and smarter too!)


I have always had a strong apprectation for both biology and the arts. As a freshman, I thought about becoming a physical therapist and then changed majors to design. At that time, I thought dedicating five years to your education would be far too long! What was I thinking? Throughout my life I have always strived to achieve personal and professional goals and grown as an individual by challenging and pushing myself. I have many experiances since graduating high school. I moved to Yellowstone National Park at the age of nineteen to help facilitate park operations. I ran the Chicago Marathon and raised over 3,000 dollars for the American Cancer Society. I also have moved to Germany for two years and learned to speak German while working as a product designer. While working as a product designer I found greatest joy in designing products with a humanistic purpose. Interestingly, I found much more personal satisfaction in helping others than I found in actual product design. This realization has led me to my next goal - earning my masters as an Occupational Therapist. Today, I would tell myself as a high school senior to follow your heart of helping others.