Mostly. While Rice students do seem to have a lot in common with students at schools like Carnegie-Mellon, MIT, and other tech schools, the fact that Rice is not a hugely well-known name means that you can be fairly certain that most of the students aren't here just for prestige -- they actually care about getting an education.
As far a socializing goes, I have a lot of friends at Rice who put it above even academics. With such a lenient alcohol policy, there are plenty of private parties every weekend. Dating, though, does seem to be at a minimum -- though there are an appreciable number of couples, few participate in what could be called "dating."
I mean a stereotype is set for a reason, but with that being said, no I would say that is pretty exaggerated.
Like all stereotypes, they are to some extent. "Work hard, play hard" is true, although I would caution against thinking of Rice as a "party school." Yes, there are lots of parties, but many, many people aren't partiers or socialize in different ways. The alcohol policy is excellent--wet campus means a great relationship with the police. If you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you.
Yes, Rice students are hard-working, driven, and very smart. There are lots of Engineers and premeds. Yes, we're diverse, although a lot are from Texas and the South.
I don't think it's true that we're unattractive! Lots of hot people. (All that sun and warm winter weather :) Sure, lots of awkward people (ever heard of the M.O.B.?) but that's also just what you get at a top college.
In some people. Not in everyone.
Like all stereotypes, they encompass a few people, but overall, it's not true. There's always something going on at Rice that doesn't involve academics. All the students at Rice are academically oriented and very intelligent, but we still know how to have fun. Plus, there are plenty of attractive and socially normal people.
No. There are plenty of students who spend a majority of their time studying, but the vast majority are involved in myriad activities and lead exciting, interesting lives. There is also a vibrant night life that centers around the residential college system and two amazing bars on campus run and managed by students.
Since Rice is a small school with few alumni, several stereotypes about "Rice students" remain, despite the diversity (by every measure) of the student body. Many Rice students are brilliant. Most of my friends also turned down schools such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton. Of all universities, Rice frequently has the largest percentage of its incoming class named National Merit Scholars. As with any institution, there are also mediocre students. Rice tends to be politically more apathetic than some other campuses, although there is a strong environmental awareness. The focus is academic for most students. There are several active religious and secularist groups on campus, but they're very tolerant of each other (the Jewish and Muslim groups have worked together to co-sponsor events).
Nope. It was unbelievable how many parties Rice has. We have our most infamous Night Of Decadence party. Rice students definetly know how to separate study time and party time!
There are always some people that fit the stereotype, but I think that Rice students are really any uglier or smarter than most people at similar schools. As for awkwardness, I think that Rice students just don't care as much as most people about being socially graceful, so we're very up front about our quirky idiosyncrasies, and just embrace the ensuing awkward.