Rider has a lot to offer...but a lot of the things are educational...and sometimes we just want to get away from that. It is good to go see seminars and speeches, but not ALL THE TIME. The pub is a great place, but until you're 21 the only fun thing there is Brown Water which is poetry and music...and a lot of people aren't into that. Different clubs hold different events though that keep us going. Frats and Sororities aren't big at Rider. The school is getting rid of most of them for not keeping up what they are supposed to. Those people just kind of keep to themselves and aren't a big deal like they are on tv. Weekends are pretty lame, a lot of people go home. However, next year should be different, they're making the school a more fun place so people stay.
I love the activities on campus. They are what keep me the busiest. They are fun and involved. I suggest SGA SEC and RHA. Freshmen should DEFINITELY join Emerging Leaders. Students leave their doors open moreso in the beginning of the year than when it ends. Any event on campus will be pretty popular. I met most of my closest friends within the first week of being here. If I'm awake at 2AM on a Tuesday, I'm probably doing homework. Certian people party pretty often, especially if they are freshmen. But you don't have to. I really haven't. Last weekend I celebrated a friend's birthday. On a Saturday night my friends and I are usually playing a board game or hanging out.
At Rider basketball is the big sport on campus. Games are extremely fun and usually the gym will be packed to the brim. There are also campus sponsored activities throughout the year such as bingo and "bronc" buffets. For students over 21 there are plenty of bars in and around Trenton and the Princeton area, and the Club Katmandu. On campus there are often dance parties in the eight person pods or apartments in the new buildings.
plenty to do on campus and tons of events to socialize and network
There are many many clubs to chose from at rider. i am in 2 clubs and i already have a lot to do. As a freshman i recommend emerging leaders... i did it and it was really great. They helped me with the transition into freshman year and got you even more involved with other groups and organizations because they kept me up to date with what was going on around campus. I have the greatest of friends at rider. I arrived at the school thinking that i would be going to bed around 10 like i was at home but i was never in bed before 12. There is a lot of night life and that is when everyone is hanging out after homework and such. Fraternities and sororities are not a big part of campus life but there are still a good number of people who are in them, out of my groups of 20 friends, only 2 are in a sorority. They both love it. Rider is located in a pretty good area. We are 30 minutes away from Philly and route one is about 4 minutes away where there are movie theaters, a mall and many other shopping places and restaurants that are very close at your disposition.
To my knowledge, their aren't many Westminster clubs. There are extracurricular choirs and productions, and since this is where you socialize most, your social circle usually mainly consists of people within your own major and age range. There isn't any real physical activity unless you look for it. The Princeton YMCA is cheap, but a helluva walk. And the Rider gym is free, but a 10 minute drive, so Westminster is just fattening you up on purpose Freshman year. Oh, PS- the food in the dining commons is awful, at least if you want to keep your meals under 1000 calories a piece. There's a table of "healthy" food - dry, white chicken, pasta covered in olive oil, and some sort of overcooked, smelly vegetable. There's a salad bar which is usually wilted and brown unless you catch them at the beginnings of the week. The rest of the cafeteria is covered in french fries, pizza, cake, cookies, jello, cereal, hamburgers, tacos... oh, and your first orientation is about how you should eat well and exercise because your voice responds better when you're healthy, and being thin helps you get cast in things.
Weekends suck at Rider... everyone goes home.
Their are som many clubs to get involved in at Rider. Our biggest include the Student Entertainment Council, Student Government Association, and the Black Student Union. There is something for everyone. If you like community service, running, math, etc, there is something for you.
This is how I met most of my closest friends-through club meetings and events. You meet people who have similar interests to you.
You always have the people who study non-stop and the people who party non-stop. It doesn't matter where you go. If you want to party, you'll find people who want to as well. If you want to study there are always quiet places to go.
If I'm awake at 2am I'm probably finishing up a paper, but sometimes I'm watching a movie with friends are chatting away. College is not just about academics it's also about creating lasting friendships and having fun.
There is lots to do on and off campus. Princeton is 15 minutes aways and there are tons of shops and restaurants to chill at and the Quacker Bridge Mall is right around the corner and there are tons of restaurants, movie theaters, etc within 5 minutes of the campus. New York and Philly are also really close and the school sponsers many trips to these places. We've gone kayaking, horseback riding, site-seeing in the city. The school also takes students to see Broadway Plays at discounted prices. You'll never be bored.