Rider University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Rider University?


small classes


it's all music, the falculty is fantastic, I know everyone


my sorority.


The basketball team


Lately I seem to brag mostly about our basketball team since it is an NCAA division sport and our players get recruited for NBS teams.


the school was ok I only attended rider for 2yrs but in that time I never felt attached to anything in particular. I was a biochem major and the classes were ok but they did not challenge you very much. the school seemed like a place parents sent their kids to school because they said so not a place where people took school seriously or because they wanted to be there. most of the kids are well off and are not used to doing much on their own


I brag about the small size of the school which enables smaller class sizes and that all of my professors are doctors and really have a lot of knowledge.


The opportunities we have to perform with well known orchestras and choirs along with highly respected conductors. Also the faculty at school is very ewll educated and has real life experience.