Rider University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Rider University?


I keep hearing Rider is a smart school and more recently alot of people die here too.


Rider students party hard, shun certain people, and have little respect.


A lot of people feel that it's a lot of rich and snotty kids.


The greek life on this campus tends to get the stereotype that all we do is drink and party. I honestly am not sure about general stereotypes about Rider students. I would probably say we drink too much, basically because of the death of Gary.


Everyone goes home on the weekends so many people die


Since Rider University has a significant accepted ratio, most students think Rider is not a good college. Some people think Rider University's students are high-class snobs because it is such an expensive school.


That everyone goes home on the weekends and you can't have fun here cause the rules are to strict.


"Party School" at times because we had a few incidents that made the news.


Some stereotypes include the school being a commuter school where everyone goes home on the weekends, also Rider is typically looked at as a boring school with no night life.


That all we like to do is party and that we are bad news. Just because one kid made a mistake and drank himself to death and another kid NOT FROM THE RIDER MAIN CAMPUS overdosed on heroin doesn't mean that we're all like that.