Rivier University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Rivier University!


I think in this area Rivier is unique because of its name. We are very close to Boston and colleges in Nashua have to compete with the better names over the border. Rivier can stand up to these names and has a long history of doing so.


I am currently a nursing student at Rivier and have always wanted to be a nurse. I have observed in the hospital setting in clinicals that there are many wonderful caring nurses out there—BUT there are still too many nurses that are cruel to each other. The Clinical instructors at Rivier are no different than the ones out in the field. They can be hell on wheels if they take a dislike to you or see any kind of weakness in you. If you let them get the best of you then they will. But that is the problem I have with the Rivier Clinical instructors—you feel that they are AGAINST you not with you. They don’t advocate for the students. They are constantly scanning you for weakness of some kind. There is definitely a Teachers against student atmosphere at the school. It’s incredibly nerve wracking. I’m developing an ulcer being at this school. Nobody is perfect and if you have one bad clinical day or an off day in Sim lab they think you aren’t right for nursing and start focusing on you. I’ve seen it happen with many fellow students who are no longer here. I wish I could recommend Rivier but I really can’t for the reason’s stated. It’s too much money to pay —you are better off going to a state school.


The program is VERY expensive. DO NOT attend there, DO NOT enroll there, and I beg you to share all of this information with everyone you know. They tell you that they have such a high return rate is because of the nursing program, once you're in it, you're stuck there. I get excellent grades and am an evening nursing student. I have one year left. I find the instructors are either excellent or terrible --no in between. Some of the Clinical instructors are on a power trip. They are not fostering and growing good nurses --just trying to scare people and looking for weakness so they can get them out. It's a bad environment for learning and believe some people have been unjustly flunked in clinicals. Everyone I know hates Rivier and just wants to get the undergraduate RN so they can get out of there!??


There is diversity at Rivier. Everyone feels welcome and accepted


it is small enough to have hand on learning with the professors.


It is has a great vibe. I attend mostly night classes and I don't feel any different than when I take day classes. Not sure what is especially unique but I do know Its a terrific school.


Well known nursing program


My school is a very close-nit community. The professors and students interacte with each other openly.


Education is a triple major


the class room size is quite small, which is great for one on one time with your teachers. And all your professors know you by name, which can be rare in larger schools.