Rivier University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Rivier University?


I brag about how small the campus is. I like how the classroom buildings are close to the residence halls.


The cafeteria--it's a buffet! I know it's probably not that impressive compared to some schools, but I personally enjoy it. Most of my friends think the food is gross, but I like it and I love the fact that you can have however much you want. Also, the library, the super fast internet service, and the awesome people I've met there.


It is a small, catholic college. Much more women to men ratio, huge nursing program, many sports programs DIII school.


The wonderful professors and staff that go out of their way to help you when you need it. The quality of the education in a smaller school environment. The fact that my teachers know me.


My GPA and how much experience and exposure I got to the classroom before teaching.


Small class size


I tell them that there are a variety of clubs and activities to get involved in.


I love all of the staff from professors to the financial aid staff. Everything is understandable and approachable.


Keep up with reading and read ahead of time!


Just that I'm really happy there and I definitely made the right choice. As much as I love my school, the campus really isn't anything to write home about. Luckily it is undergoing a "face lift," but this definitely won't be done before I graduate.