Besides the common ideas that having a college education helps you prepare for the real world and assist you in getting a better job, college has also changed who i am as a person. It's taught be how to be self-managing and self-motivated. Unlike high school, all of my effort has been for myself and my own understanding, not just for a letter grade. I no longer attend school for the social aspect, but becuase I enjoy the atmosphere of all of the eager students. I am eager for my second semester and also disappointed that the first semester is already over.
As an International Relations and Spanish double major, I intend on getting the full experience. I have very big aspirations, and I plan on graduating with much more than when I came here. My college experience thus far has been spectacular. I have met friends who I couldn't see myself without, and I have learned very important pieces of information that I will never forget. My most valuable course in my first semester has been my course entitled Women & the Vote. My professor was very passionate, and while learning the history of the women before me, She also taught me a lot about being a new college student. She helped to shape our writing skills into less "high school thinking," as she called it, and brought us into "sophisticated thinking." It has been an eye-opening experience to be in that class. I'm the first to attend college in my family even though I have 3 older siblings, and my family has been so supportive. It feels really good to know that there are so many people that support me emotionally, even if they can't financially. Because of that, I became tremendously closer to my family.
I have gotten a lot out of my college education so far. I have only attended one full year at my college, but I have learned a great deal. I am studying to become a high school history teacher, and had to take education classes in order to fulfill licensure. Some of the education classes taught me about teaching in multicultural classrooms. I think this is the most valuable thing I have learned so far. It is so important to learn how to cater your classroom to your students needs, because that is why you are there; to teach your students. You are responsible for them.
During my first year I also had the opportunity to travel abroad to Japan. I feel this has made my college experience even more valuable because not only am I getting an important liberal arts education, I am getting to experience a completely different world and culture by studying abroad.
Every high school senior experiences some degree of what we all know as "senioritis." As a high school student, "senioritis" and I butted heads frequently. I was more concerned about spending my last year at home with my friends than studying my academics. I was not a bad student, I continued to maintain a 3.4 GPA. However, I did not push myself to the potential I had. Now I look back and realize, I sold myself short. I was content to settle for an academic second rate. I chose to do grade B work, when in reality I was entirely capable of A work.
Never settle for second class, mediocrity, or B work. Do not be content to stay lukewarm in your academic career. Instead, press on toward the goal of a better future. After all, the future is all we have to look forward to. Push yourself to new heights and discover the potential you hold! Have faith in yourself. Set great expectations and you will make sure you rise to meet them.
When you transition from high school to college it can be a traumatic or wonderful experience. It is tough to fit in the first couple of days becuase you do not know anyone and everyone comes from diffrent backgrounds. But d not let this discourage you because you will find your group of friends sooner then later. Another great piece of advice is to get involed early and find things your pasionate about. Getting involved will help keep you busy and keep home off your mind. Yes it is ok to go to parties but dont get carried away, the parties will always be there. Drinkng to get wasted and get wasted fast never ends well. Be a social drinker and have fun. College is time in your life to experiment, learn, love, and find yourself. Do not waste it.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would stress the importance of time management and learning good study skills. Throughout school I was never good at studying because I got good grades without doing it. I have learned in college that studying is something everyone needs to do and to do effectively. I would encourage my high school self to start implimenting study skills and spending more time focusing on school projects to help prepare for life in college. I would also suggest to myself to start using a planner to keep track of important papers, readings for class and other homework. In college the way you spend your time and how much work you put in outside the classroom is the most important element to a successful college experience.
Once again, I would simply tell myself that high school is easy. People are willing to bend over backwards to help you graduate. College is about your level of commitment to achieve your dreams. Learn to set a schedule. A planner is your best friend. An alarm clock is your second best friend. If you don't need a job, you should get one anyway. It will help you manage your time.
If i could go back to my senior year of high school i would tell myself that if my heart is really not in going to school dont do it. college takes alot more than just knowledge, it takes heart and determination. i would tell myself to never give up no matter how hard it gets because school is my escape, it is my only chance to make a better life or myself, one my mom prays for me to acheive.
It is absolutely necessary to attend the campus you are considering. If that is not feasible, find a way to contact a student on campus who has similar interests or is from you area. Don't just look at paying for college itself, but also books, transportation, weekend expenses, and such. This isn't something you decide light-heartedly. Don't go into this thinking "I f this school doesn't work I can always transfer." Transferring isn't always easy and it interrupts your college experience.
Always visit the schools you're thinking of and don't ignore the feeling you get when you're there.