Robert Morris University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Robert Morris University!


The school has famous alumni that you can network with to help you pursue your career .


My school is unique in the way it connects with the students. There is always someone around to answer questions so there is never a reason not to know something.


My school has nothing unique that stands out in my mind. the campus is growing, and if anything, that was something that caught my attention when applying.


RMU concentrates on public speaking and writing. It can give you a head up in the business world if you can write approproately.


The most important thing that is unique about Robert Morris to me is their actuarial science program. Bobby Mo's program is the strongest I had seen out of the Pennsylvania schools that offer actuarial science. Their program is focused on guiding students to pass exams. Most students have two exams passed when they graduate (you have to have at least 1 to even get the degree). The professsors are very knowledgeable and helpful. RMU hosts a career fair just for prospective actuaries that brings in insurance companies from all over the US for summer inernships and full time jobs.