Robert Morris University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Robert Morris University?


I enjoy telling my friends about how ethnically diverse my university is. I have met a lot of friends from different ethnic backgrounds. Also, my school is very friendly where as my friend tends to complain about the arrogance of the students at his college.


I don't brag to my friends about my school, but when i tell them about it, I usually talk about my fraternity and fun philanthropy events we throw.


How my teachers are


It's sad that this is what comes to mind, but, I probably brag most about the cafeteria. The food at RMU is better than any other school I've been to, Duquesne, IUP, and Pitt, from my experience have nothing on RMU in this regard. Other than that, RMU has a great and forward thinking technology program, with a wide variety of majors. If you're looking to get into IT, don't forget to take a look at RMU's programs.


The basketball team going to the NIT.