Robert Morris University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Robert Morris University? Is this stereotype accurate?


I wouldn't say that RMU really has a stereotype in their student population. Many of the students are local (from Pennsylvania or a surrounding state), but we do have a handful of students (mostly athletes) from a variety of states and countries. Because RMU started out as a business school, most of the students are business majors (or trying for a related degree), but other programs in the school are growing quickly (ex: nursing, engineering, media arts, nuclear medicine). Also, while the school currently has a relatively small Greek life right now, it has been growing. Within the past two years, one fraternity and one sorority has been added to campus life.


Robert Morris University has about every type of clique one can think of from the some 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} athletes on campus to the many aspiring engineers and bio-medical students. I can honestly say that they have created a very diverse atmosphere.


I don't think there are one set stereotype where at a WVU the stereotype is partiers and at Harvard it is snobs. Robert Morris is a pretty diverse community and it isn't hard to find a niche. Within a week you could be playing basketball nightly, studying, acting, or playing Magic cards in the main building at a big table by the window. It is all about what you want it to be.


Stuck up students because it's a private university


Students at RMU are as crazy as they come. I would say most students seem to be somewhat underachievers but there is also a large population of athletes visible at almost all times.


At Robert Morris University, there is not a "common stereotype." We are very diverse in means of gender, race, ethnicity, etc. Robert Morris has a lot to offer a student. We have many organizations such as Greek life, intramural sports, cultural/diversity clubs, etc. Surprisingly, RMU is a Division I school, but we do not have that typical party scene, frat rows, and all of the hustle and bustle of a big university. If you find yourself wanting to go to a bigger university but are afraid to get lost in the craziness, Robert Morris is the place for you. Here, you will be able to get involved with any organization you can imagine while getting a "big" university degree.