Rockhurst University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rockhurst University know before they start?


Aside from the obvious givens, (stress less, stock up on pre-packaged meals, become an avid coupon-clipper, and please, please, please, color code your folders, so you don't show up for a speech in religion, with only a handful of packets on evolution!) I suppose, out of order of importance, I would narrow it down to "learn the value of sleep quickly, so when your coffee coupons run out, you don't have a mental breakdown". Now, that seems like a good habit I should have established well before the time I graduated high school. Wrong. I don't believe getting adequate sleep ever really becomes a habit, but rather, is a necessity we try to keep consistent. There's a difference, and the key word is "try". It's much easier to bargain with something you can trick yourself into thinking you can skimp on for "just one night". And coffee! Oh, the miracle concoction for a sleepy head, and yet, also a sneaky little thief who's got hold of my wallet. Once I put an end to the bargaining, I learned regulated sleep really does yield more than just a health benefit. Money; focus; happiness.


If I had the opportunity to talk to myself as a senior in high school knowing what I know now about college life and the changes it entails, the most important advice I would give myself is to not procrastinate. In high school, I would allow myself many times to hold off doing something until last minute. It would get done, but it wouldn?t be to the best of my ability. Although my grades were still average, I knew they could have been better if I had taken the more then enough time allotted by the teachers to do the assignment more throughly. College has quickly became a wake up call. Everything for the course is given to you at one time. It is then your decision on whether or not you will apply yourself and do everything outlined, or allow yourself to get behind having to cram last minute. I have chosen to apply myself, and it has relieved me of so much stress come exams and finals time. With the first semester of my college career under my belt, and with the grades I have received, I know now that applying yourself is the key to success.


I would tell myself to not pick a place just because of its location. I might not want to go to school far from home but I should not base my decision on that. Another thing that I would tell myself is to not let others whether it was my family or my friends weigh my decision one way or another. I would also say to visit the school more than once or maybe stay in the dorms with a student there to get a good feel of the school and to get a better idea on whether I would be happy there or not.


Stay focused on school and the coursework because making up classes is going to waste the time you're there and possibly delay your graduation time.


Finding the right college is a process that is worth taking some time to research. I suggest visiting the schools you think you are interested in and actually staying with one of the attenending freshman for a night. This experience might make or brake whether you think the school will be a right fit for you. I would advise new and incoming college students to stay open minded. You dont have to already know what you want to do in college and where you will fit in, just let everything go with the flow. Dont be afraid to try new things, be open to change, and you will eventually fit in where you are most comfortable. Dont forget that if the school you pick turns out to be the wrong one, its okay. Tranfering happens all the time, making new friends and enduring new experiences is what life is all about. Stay confident in yourself and everything will eventually fall into place.


I would tell every student to look at every school he or she is interested in. To go on visits to those schools so he gets a feel for the personality of the school. Get to know as many students and faculty at each school as she can, because that is what he will deal with every day. Most importantly make sure that the school the student is really interested in has a few majors that she are interested in, in case he ends up changing his or her major. If he is an athlete, she needs to make sure that he is going for the education, not the sport. To make the college experience the best it can be, he needs to go out of his comfort zone, join clubs or organizations the interest her, and realize that you can only have two of the following three things; sleep, good grades, and a social life. Sometimes sleep is a little price to pay for the best experience and making life long friends and getting ready for her career.


Make sure you know what you want out of a college. I never visited my college campus and ended up hating the small classes, and small community. Remember that you are not stuck with the choice you make, so try new things out. Anything is possible.


Find the place that feels most like home and go with your heart!


Be thourough and take as many personality assessments prior to researching colleges.


Go to a university that fits you as a person. do extensive research before applying and finally choosing the school you desire. because if you dont , you may end up in an overpriced institution with a really bad social atmosphere such as rockhurst university.