Rust College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rust College know before they start?


Danielle, it is time for college. Take a deep breath and know that everything you need to succeed is already within you. You are an adult now so you must learn to pray and speak to God on your own behalf. College is a time to focus on your growth as a women and how you can use your spiritual gifts to be a blessing to others. Relationships are not that important Danielle so that can wait. Enjoy your college experience; meet as many people as you can and begin to network. You are an adult now, so you must be organized and responsible for any necessary documents you possess. Speaking of organization, Dannie, you must begin to manage your time properly. For time management can be either an iceberg to sink your ship or a beautiful structure you gaze at upon passing. Also before I step out of this mirror with you, have an open mind to the world. You don?t have to take in and agree with everything that is presented to you but always be mindful and aware of others thoughts, opinions and prior knowledge. Okay,you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you.


The advice i would give to myself is that when preparing first make sure that it is what you want for yourself and not anybody else. It is only one person's decision and that is mine. Also, if you decided that college is for you, make sure that the school you plan to attend is a good one in all areas such as classwork, social life, dorm life etc. This means you should make a visit to tour the school of interest. Finally, please make sure that you manage your time. Priorities are important and should not be taken lightly. It is important for you to learn all you can while you can because you are payin for school, so why wast your money on things like making friends or partying all night. Just think, those are things that are priceless. So spend your money on something that will make you successful in the future.


the advice i would give to someone while trying to look for the right college is make sure you visit the school, make sure it is where you could see yourself for at least 2 years, make sure you can be successful, make sure you can be safe, and make sure it is affordable to you and your family. I think that whatever collge you go to it is what you make of it whether its the university of georgia or columbus state university. i think being in college is the same everywhere.


I would advice that parents start talking to their children about college early on like the summer before the junior year. This talk should include things like taking (or retaking) college entrance examinations (ACT/SAT), and prep courses if possible, viewing a list of schools, majors, tuition, and possibly visiting the campuses and meeting the schools representatives, and scholarship research. All this preparation for the students' college career will ensure that the right and best fit school for the student is chosen, leading to a successful college career.