Sacred Heart University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Sacred Heart University accurate?




The girls here are good looking for the most part and we are close to Bridgeport, but we're also bordering Fairfield which is a really nice town.


No. Not everyone at the school is made of money nor stuck up. I find so many of the people here friendly. Wherever you go you are going to find people you won't get a long with but that steroetype is far from true.


Many students are from Long Island, but there is still a diversity in ethnicity. The school is smaller than other schools but I find it to be a good size( its all what you prefer).




It is partially true, but there are also so many great people at SHU, and it is so easy to make the best of friends.


the internships are "misrepresented", especially the 5 year master's program for education, it's really 5 and a half or 6 if you do the actual internship.




Unfortunately for the most part they stereotypes are accurate. In my opinion, after four years there, I met only a few people who didn't fit the stereotype. Althpugh the majortiy of the people I associated with in college fit this stereotype, the friends I made at SHU are not even remotely close to it. They are more like me: down to earth, blue-collar kids who don't have wealthy parents.


No not at all. While there are some that fit these sterotypes there is a wide range of diversity throughout the student body. A person can always find a group to associate and feel welcomed with.