Academics at SHU are held to a high standard but classes are mainly enjoyable. The campus is on the smaller side so the class size itself it very small with usually no more than 30 students per class. This results in a personable relationship with the professor. The professors are usually very good about having office hours in which they are readily available to discuss anything from thesis topics to how to improve your grades. SHU also puts on an annual career fair that promotes gaining a job after graduation and also sends out a peroidic email presenting all the latest job opportunities in the area.
very good academics. competitive within certain majors. challenging.
Like every school, some teachers are great and others are not so great. Everyone loves teaching here. My favorite classes are my business classes or anything that has to do with business. I am not a fan of my core classes...especially the religion and philosophy classes. Everyone is required to take 3 of those courses. Depending on the teacher class participation can vary. Some teachers lecture where as others ask a lot of questions and ask for participation. I'm in the business school and all the teachers there are great. Many, if not all, have tremendous experience in their field and can offer sooo much knowledge and wisdom. Many tell you they won't teach you anything they haven't personally experienced. After my business classes I feel as though I have learned so much and will be ready to go out into the real world after.
The academics here at Sacred Heart are taken pretty seriously, but the class sizes and professors help immensely. Class sizes here at SHU are relatively small, for instance I'm in a math class of 15 which makes it easy to interact with the professor and is easier to interact with other students in class.
From what I noticed a lot of students here are Physical Therapy and Athletic training majors. I personally am a media studies major, which Sacred Heart has an excellent program for. I hope to one day become a producer and writer for Television or Film. Another thing that's great about Sacred Heart is the internships that are offered, some that I have to choose from in the future are with companies like, ABC, VH1, MTV films, NBC, etc.
Study time here at SHU is really dependent upon your major, and the course load you are taking. Currently I am taking 13 credits which is four classes so I have a light load this semester. I usually have a lot of reading to do for my Media Studies class so I will go to the library and do that, but depending on your roommate studying in your room is an option as well, which is do sometimes too. Freshman are also issued laptops at the beginning of the year and then first semester of Junior year Art and Media Studies majors get upgraded to a macbook, and the others get and upgraded version of the PC they were issued Freshman year. I have seen some students with laptops that are not issued by the school, but the laptops are included in the tuition so I would say take advantage of that.
The classes are small, and the teachers are mostly friendly. Its easy to get in contact with a professor through email, they will usually respond a few hours later.
Most of the professors are very willing to know their students on a personial basis. It is very comforting that you are givin the ability to meet with you professor during the day, or call their house at night if you have any questions. They don't try and hold themselves to a higher standard.
Professors do know my name in most instances. My favorite class is probabily psych 302 because the teacher has a great enthusiasm for the class. My least favorite is sociology because the teacher has no idea what hes talking about and loves to give us busy work that makes no sense and doesn't actually help to learn. Students study a lot, but not on the weekends. class participation is NOT common. some students are competitive, and some just dont care. the most unique class i've taken was art history because i learned a lot of things i never thought i would. My major is psychology and i'm going into education. it's interesting. SHUs academic requirements are set just right but a lot of teachers will make it easy for students to get a B, but really really hard to get an A. It depends what class you take, but some gear towards just learning for it's own sake.
I like the classroom sizes. Because they are so small it gives the teacher a chance to get to know every student and what their strengths and weaknesses are.
My experience at SHU academically has been great as a nursing major. Though SHU nursing is a very competetive program, I am told time and time again by those in the field how prepared SHU grads are compared to other schools. Nursing by nature is a very intimate program, our professors know us by name and truly take concern in our success. Like most schools, req classes are hit and miss as far as faculty are concerned, but I have had some great elective classes with great professors.
i found the academics here to be challenging to me especially the science classes. my professor do know my name, i am pretty outgoing and i make sure that they know who i am. my favorite class is my biology class. even though im really not doing so great in that class Dr. Roy makes it interesting and always is positive so i love going there. Since i have been here majority of the students i know always study, academics is very important to students here especially the athletes. my least favorite class is the info literacy class. i think it is absolutely boring and a waste of time. for the most part SHU's academic requirements are pretty fair and the education that you will leave here with will lead you in the right direction.