Saint Edward’s University Top Questions

Describe the students at Saint Edward’s University.


My classmates are very accepting of people who are not like them.


My classmates are motivated individuals.


My classmates are culturally aware, fun, exciting, intellectual individuals, that seek knowledge, and adventure.


My SEU classmates are a diverse, globally-conscious, creative, intelligent, and inquisitive group of individuals whose unique characteristics come together within the processes of learning to produce a cross fertilization of ideas that promotes new ideas and better understanding of the world and our individual places in it.


Social, driven and fun!


I feel like my fellow hilltoppers are very much like me. I feel like in such a small school you tend to have people that really want to be there, and really want to learn to better there future. Also i think that the diversity of the campus is really nice i have learned so many things about so many different types of people just beacuse in a small enviorment people are more likely to want to get to know each other. My classmates are awesome, and im glad to have them!


My classmates are energetic, responsive, determined, and focused.


Some are open minded but a lot do not like to see other's points of view, and it is often difficult to encourage them to engage in the class discussions.


My classmates are an outgoing and intelligent group of individuals who are here for the same reason as I am, because they are eager to learn and advance themselves academically and spiritually.


The students you will meet at St. Edward's are: friendly, diverse, academically focused, fun, unique, and easy to talk to!