Saint Edward’s University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Saint Edward’s University?


anyone who wants a great education with great sized classes and professors proficient in their fields


Someone who is looking for an education from a Libral Arts school. I wouldn't go to Steds if you wanted to be a doctor


a person who is open to new things and wants to get involved--the Student Life Office here is amazing


Students who are interested in small classes and personal attention from professors would fit in here easily. Students who are creative and involved in their communities, especially if they have a commitment to social justice.


A person who is open-minded and willing to learn about other view points and ideas. Also, the person needs to be committed to learning and studying on their own. Being able to plan, organize, and research by/for yourself is very important, whether it is just for a paper in class or deciding on your college and career paths.


Someone who likes smaller and more personal classroom settings as well as a demanding and quality education which will not permit slacking off.


Any one who wants a fun and thought provoking environment that likes to hang out with friends and get to know their professors