Saint Edward’s University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Saint Edward’s University?


The lack of focused and dedicated career services staff. There was a token effort to 'help students network' but the opportunities were few and far between. I felt little to no support from my school when looking at the job market.


The price of food at the cafeteria.


The main cafeteria closes at 2:00 P.M. There are 2 additional dining hall areas on campus. The only thing is that they close for lunch at 2:30 P.M. but they reopen again at 4:30.


The most frustrating thing about my school would have to be the regress writing assignments. St. Edwards University being a liberal art school really enforces the need to become a strong writer. I know that in discussing essay prompts between friends and myself I find that the essay topic given to us are far more challenging. Although, at time it may be frustrating to have to be constantly try to improve in my writing, I must admit that by the end of my first semester at St. Edwards University I have seen a drastic improvement in my writing.


No Rugby pitch


The cost of tuition.


No one here thinks about the future or our impact on the planet. Very few people make the effort to conserve energy or recycle. My dorm fridge is full of frozen food. Sustainability is not very high priority for the staff or students.


The most frustrating thing about my school is about how liberal it is. I don't have a problem with liberals, I just have a problem when everything is one sided and not both sides of an issue are presented.


Most of the students at St. Edward's University are not employed, so most of the professors assign coursework loads that are very difficult for employed students to handle. The professors do try to be understanding of the situation, but still actively suggest that students refrain from employment while attending the university. Additionally, there is a real sense of "keeping up with the Jones'" at this campus. Many students come from wealthy backgrounds (Mercedes, iPhones, Lofts, Blackberries, Louis Vuition, Spring Break in Europe.)


That I, being conservative, feel totally overwhelmed by my peers AND my teachers politically; both in the classroom and out of it.