Saint Johns University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Johns University know before they start?


Self, Get ready for the best four years of your life. Take in every moment you can and take as many courses as you can especially ones you find interesting, even if they are not apart of your major. Challenge yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone for what lies outside your comfort zone is the unkown. In the unkown you may find just what you didn't know you needed.


Try anything and everything that you can. Get involved in as many clubs and programs as possible. Getting engaged in the activities offered on campus is the best way to make friends and get the most out of your education. Coursework is only one component of the college experience. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new even if you don't think you'll like it, or your friends think it's weird. Studying is important, but mental health is equally important. As much as possible approach learning with the goal of increasing your knowledge and growing as a person, not just completing assignments. Finally, take advantage of the professors that are available. They are invaluble resources both in class and after you've graduated.


This is a fun question to answer, as a couple of ideas come readily to mind. The first thing is riding the Link, which is the bus that transports students between campuses. The students at St. John's and St. Ben's, being the incredibly smart and talented people that they are, have devised a system of getting off the bus that will save an average of 15 seconds per unloading if implemented. Students unload every other seats, alternating columns down the aisle. Students stay seated until it is their turn to get off, and this entire process is the time-saving system. If a student gets up early or moves out of turn, than everyone else on the bus will yell "FRESHMAN!" You get used to the buses pretty quickly. I, personally, have only heard anyone say that once, and even then, it was halfhearted. The only thing that I would mention to incoming first-years would be to leave their room doors open in the dorms. I met many new people that way last year, and I have met a few with that method so far this year. I have found that I don't have to worry about being someone I'm not while I'm here. People at St. John's are incredibly accepting of any and all personalities and people.


Cory you really need to take more Advance Placement courses, this will make your academic transition a little easier in college, I know you just want to get through High School with Honors but really take harder classes it will help you sooo much trust me! Yeah I know you will do great in school you will work hard and study a lot, but if you challenge yourself now as a senior it will really would help you to succeed, and to achieve your goals in college.


When doing a campus visit, sont go when the campus is busy, go when it is how it normally is. Stay away from fly in weekends, becasue that is when everthing is different. Go when the students are in their dorms playing Halo and clogging up the internt bandwith, it gives you a better feel as tp what the college is actually like. When you do go to the college, and if you get a feeling that this is the place, this is the place. It feels like home, it feels like a place that you would be happy to spend four years of your life with the kind of people who come here, and would be happy eith the kind of people they are and the total enviorment that they produce.


Apply everywhere you have the smallest bit of interest in (and do it over a period of time so you don't suddenly have 5 applications due the next day). Sometimes there's a fee, but it's good to keep your options open. It really helps to get a feel for the school if you can visit. Some colleges even allow students host you overnight in a dorm. Keep in mind the kind of people you think will attend your college. Your social life is important! It would be miserable to spend 4 years in an alien environment with no friends! Especially if you're living on campus... If you can afford it, live away from home. I believe that living on your own, be it on campus or in an apartment, really starts to get you ready for life after college, and helps you develop responsibility. Study abroad if you can! It's a chance to really experience the world from a different view, and it will improve your language skills dramatically if you're doing a language based program.


During the college selection process, visit the campus in person several times. If possible, stay with a current student and simply ask random current students (not student ambassadors) what they think about the school. Also, ask unusual, upfront questions such as: is it worth the money? Remember that you will recieve the most honest answers from students with no incentive to impress you. It is also beneficial to sit in on classes of interest to you. To make the most of your college experience, get to know professors by asking additional questions outside of class. They are generally highly intelligent and interesting people who enjoy helping students. In addition to getting to know professors, I would suggest taking some risks like joining a couple clubs of interest and making new friends.


Visit any colleges that you are seriously considering and take full advantage of all of the programs that their admissions offices offer. Tours, meetings with professors, and overnight visits are all worthwhile.


A major consideration that you can consider before even hitting the pavement is whether of not to attend a large or small school. Large universities offfer every program, major, or field you could ever desire but at the cost of small class sizes and more substantive in-class conversations with students and professors. Understand though that the college you pick is the institution that will teach you how to think, inquire, and, most importantly, disagree (how not to be apathetic). It is okay not to know what you want to do right now, but your school should give the students both the tools and the willpower to so those three. Finding this out takes not doing what most people do in their college search. The tours institutions take you on market the school to you, and this is done through ignoring or downplaying the shortcomings of the school. Instead, talk to the professors and the students (not the one giving the tour; they get paid to obscure). When you do find those unbiased souls, pick their brains about what courses are good or not good, professors whom they've been inspired by, and the reasoning behind their choosing their majors.


To parents: Encourage your child to visit as many schools and apply for as many scholarships as possible. You never know where your child will end up going to school. To students: These upcoming years have the potential to best the best four years of your life. Do a good job and research schools as much as you can. Do not be afraid to tour as many schools as you want. In fact, if you are applying to a school, make sure you tour it as well! You want to make sure that you feel at home and welcome, wherever you choose to attend college. Once you start school, make it your own experience. How much you get out of your education is up to you. Whether that means studying abroad, getting involved in your student government, joining spring break trips, or just forming an ultimate frisbee team with your friends, get out of your dorm room and make the most of your experience!