I have found that through eductation that all of my goals and aspirations can be reached. I have learned the value of knowledge and enrichment. I have learned that education is what causes our growth as a species. My education, is extremely valuable to because it molds me as a person and who I will become in the future. Education molds me as a person because I am defined by my thoughts and my thoughts are subjective to the knowledge I gain through education. I would also like to become a dr and the only way I can achieve my life long goal is by getting a great education. I've have learned that the more education I have, the better dr I can be. For example in my calculus class, I learned that math has been ahead of science for many centeries, and that there is a lag period from when a concept in mathmatics is discovered to when an application is applied in science. I believe that this concept goes for medicine too. That the concepts learned in science and mathmatic courses durring undergrad and medical school will apply to medicine in the future.
My experience at Saint Joseph's College has changed my life forever and for the better. I have learned to use my time much more efficiently than before. The core program here has not only allowed me to look at myself differently but how I see the world. I have a more educated veiw on different cultures and how we view each other. My time here has pushed me to what I thought was my limit and then farther making me a stronger person.
Attending classes here has been so valuable. There is no way can choose to not attend classes and take away the intended education. There are so many important objectives instructors cover in class that you could never learn form a text. You also create bonds with other students that will last a lifetime.
Overall, my experience with Saint Joseph's College has been awesome and has taught me things not only about my course of study but, also about myself. With these combined I don't think that I could have recived an education to better prepare me for the nursing field.
I am learning more about a field that was not well known when I graduated from high school in 1996, forensic science. Attending college, especially a small college like Saint Josephs, allows you a chance to get hands on experience and knowledge from the professors. This allows you to see if you really want to have a career in your field when you graduate.
Being at Saint Josephs college has given me the best experience so far, because not only will I successes with how great the education with organizing classes for us to learn about different cultures, our religion, science, and our relationship with God. Being at this College has opened my eyes to many ideas in our world today, and how some people are different than others by what we learn in our classes. I have learned that I have two jobs at college, division 2 running, and my school work. It’s hard to balance both, but our coach is very understandable with knowing that education will always come first before our practice does. Its valuable to attend because you will leave here with a degree, great friends, great courses, awards in your sports, achievement goals to help in your next chapters in life.
In the few short months of my first semester of college I have learned more than I would have ever imagined possible. Not only have I learned factual information, but mostly I have learned so much about myself as an individual. Coming into collge I was recovering from an ACL surgery and thought I would fail in my volleyball season. With the help of a few amazing people who helped me along my journey, I did not fail at all. I am working harder than I ever have, not only in volleyball, but in everything I do at Saint Josephs. I have made The Deans List with a 3.938 GPA and plan to do so every semester. It has been so valuable for me to attend college because now I realize that I can do anything I put my mind to. I am such a strong individual now, and am unstoppable. I have the confidence to know that I am going to succeed greatly in my future, thanks to Saint Josephs Collge.
I was born and raised in Mongolia. When I came to the United States, I did not know one English word. I never in thought that I would ever go to college. I worked at McDonalds during my senior year of high school. Then I realized that I did not want to do that job for the rest of my life. So, I decided to go to college just to earn the degree that would enable me to get better job. But now, I realize that I am learning much more than just earning a degree, I am learning how to learn. College is giving me the tool to be successful in all levels of life. It thought me to be respectful of others, I have learned to respect other cultures. Learning about China and other religions such as Buddhism and Taoism. I have become to be more open minded. I welcome other views and cultures, before making any judgements. I have also learned to motivate myself. I have realized that college really helps an individual to addapt and teaches a person to learn how to learn. I make videos now, and blog.
During my last year of high school, I was overwhelmed with all the homework and preparations for college and after I graduated from high school, I wanted to take a break for a year before pursuing further education. My parents strongly disagreed to this idea, so off I went to college. I do not at all regret going into college right after high school. Saint Joseph's College is a small, private college that will try to help you with whatever you want to achieve. Most classes are small, so the professors have more time to get to know the students and the students get more one-on-one time with their professors, if help is needed or requested. The staff is willing to work with you whatever the case should be and will try to do the best they can to help you succeed. Going from an overwhelming feeling getting out of high school, I can say with satisfaction that this first semester of my college experience has been busy, fun and done with ease.
I have only been at college for two weeks but I am already learning how much work it takes to get good grades in college, which is very different from high school. I am also meeting many different types of people from all different types of backgrounds and that is really interesting. It is valuable to me because I am beginning to understand how much work will be coming down the road, especially as a get older, and I am learning about the different types of people I will have to work with. I am also learning alot about my major and the work force I hope to go into, which is very awesome!
I would fist tell my self to slow down that knowledge really is the most important thing in life. I didnt know then I would be a father so soon, I would have liked to tell my self that a family will soon be counting completly on the education I needed, that pushing it off would never get it done , and with out it I could not go any where in life and be very successful.
I would simply tell myself to relax. I know I was terrified about going off to college and leaving my family. I would just want to tell myself that no matter what my family and friends will always be there for me. College is a big deal, but I would tell myself that I can handle it. The last thing I would say is just to take life as it comes, don't stress over the future or the past and live for today.