Saint Joseph’s University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Saint Joseph’s University!


Its location relative to center city Philidelphia and its unique marketing opportunities.


The same as was said above. The campus life and the location. Saint Joseph's is all about community. Whether it's taking a Student Union Board trip to a Phillies game, a mass filled with and led mainly by students, a lacrosse game on the main Finnessy Field, a Battle of the Bands night, or a Community Day where everyone is out running activities for our neighborhood elementary schools. As corny as it may be, SJU Hawks are what are slogan says. Our school is "Not for Spectators."


the community. The feeling you get when you step onto SJU campus.


I guess the atmosphere and spirit surrounding the sports team, namely basketball.


The campus is small, yet close enough to the culture of Philadelphia


If you are involved in a lot of community service organizations early in your freshman year, you will meet a lot of people with like interests.


Close to a major city without being IN a city, amazing administrative staff for the most part. It's easy to get help when you have a problem or don't understand something in terms of registration, course selection, choosing a major, etc.


The campus is in an urban AND suburban setting. I love it!


my scholl is just the right size and offers many unique majors like food marketing


My school is unique compared to others I considered because it has the greatest school spirit I have ever seen. Saint Joseph's University supports their varsity sports teams and cheers them on no matter what, win or lose. I will lose my voice at basketball game cheering on my fellow classmates and not be alone in the stands but rather surrounded by thousands of screaming fans with paint covered faces. Walking out of the fieldhouse on campus after a baskbetall game you will see smiles and hear the most defiant cheer in college sports "The Hawk Will Never Die!"